“When the problem is not inclusion”: Limitations and possibilities in the implementation of an inclusive approach in education

The case of the IE Jose Galvez, Comas





Educational inclusion, education, inclusive approach, participation, social management, educational management


This article addresses the issue of educational inclusion by critically reviewing regulations and theoretical discussions on the subject. The research process focuses on the implementation of inclusion politics in an educational institution, drawing attention to the contradictions between the different subjectivities and beliefs of the educational community about disability and its influence in the inclusion of students with disabilities. The main findings expose the interpretation of the inclusion approach given by principals and teachers in order to respond to the obligations set by the sector’s authority. However, they also clearly show the flaws and limitations of the sector in including without stigmatizing, in and out the classroom, while prevailing pedagogical practices according to the possibilities the institution in spite of the inclusive discourse. Incidentally, the article also examines the educational management and its importance to tackle change in education for students with said condition, the active role of the educational community to articulate in the process, and identifies valuable contributions for a new interpretation of the problem.

Author Biographies

  • Grecia Sanchez De La Flor, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Licenciada en Trabajo Social de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Autora de tesis para obtener el grado de Licenciatura, denominado “Apostando por una mejor educación inclusiva: El caso de la Institución Educativa Coronel José Gálvez de Comas”. Integrante del Grupo de Investigación denominado Grupo Políticas Sociales en el Perú.

  • Carlos Cáceres Torres, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Trabajador social, con estudios de Educación y magister en Sociología, mención en Sociología de la Educación. Egresado del doctorado de Ciencias Sociales de San Marcos. Actualmente es docente investigador de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNMSM. Con experiencia profesional en el sector público como especialista y funcionario en los Ministerios de Trabajo, Educación, Ministerio de la Mujer, así como en diversos proyectos o dependencias de dichos sectores. También ha sido funcionario de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima y en el Congreso de la Republica. Del 2017 al 2020 ha investigado sobre los siguientes temas: factores sociales de la educación rural; la realidad de las y los migrantes venezolanos en la ciudad de Lima; comercio informal ambulatorio en los distritos de La Victoria y Cercado de Lima.






Original Scientific Articles

How to Cite

Sanchez De La Flor, G., & Cáceres Torres, C. (2022). “When the problem is not inclusion”: Limitations and possibilities in the implementation of an inclusive approach in education: The case of the IE Jose Galvez, Comas. Discursos Del Sur, Revista De teoría crítica En Ciencias Sociales, 1(9), 151-177. https://doi.org/10.15381/dds.n9.20324