Manuscript evaluation

Evaluation and publication process

Manuscripts submitted to publication in Discursos del Sur follow an evaluation process, and includes the following phases:

Journal Evaluation of standards.  In the first instance, works are evaluated by the Editorial Committee to ensure that manuscript comply with the guidelines. In this first evaluation, the works are also subjected to anti-plagiarism software. Manuscript that do not comply with the requirements explained in this guidelines and shows percentage of similarity greater than those regulated by the UNMSM will not be accepted for publication. 

Blind peer review. The works received are subjected to a double blind evaluation process. In other words, the article received will be sent to an anonymous review that will be carried out by two researchers from outside our institution (peer reviewers) recognized for their knowledge and academic background in the subject addressed in the article. The peer reviewers, in addition to being experts in the subject addressed by the article, will accredit no competition problems and guarantee total discretion.

Editorial Committee selects the reviewers and sends them the work to be evaluated together with the journal's manual of good practices, criteria and evaluation guide. The reviewers make comments and suggestions to improve the article in a format provided by the Editorial Board where they will conclude:

  1. Accept the article without corrections of any kind.
  2. Accept the article with minor corrections (no further revision process required).
  3. Accept the article with major corrections (requires subsequent review process).
  4. Do not accept the item.

If there is a discrepancy between the two reviewers, the editor will send the article or essay in question to a third reviewer who will determine, taking into account the opinions of the previous two reviewers, whether the article is approved for publication, approved with revisions or rejected. 

Acceptance and work in the press. When the author makes the corrections suggested by the reviewers, the article is considered ACCEPTED and ready to move on to the style and layout correction stage. The Editorial Committee gives the author a final version (proof) of the article to authorize the publication.
Throughout the evaluation process described above, the editorial committee will be guided under the parameters and guidelines suggested by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).