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Author Guidelines


The works must be original, and not be subject to acceptance or publication process in any other medium at the same time. The works may be sent in English or Spanish. 

The submitted papers will be initially evaluated by the editors of the journal. Only those works that comply with scientific and editorial standards and conform to the journal's objectives will be sent to the blind double review process. In this case the papers will be sent to at least two expert evaluators in the research topic. 

The works must be sent in MS Word format to the following e-mail address of the Institute of Economic Research: 

Thematic lines

In the publication of articles, priority is given to those related to the following research topics: 

  • Political Economy 
  • Economic policy 
  • Public management and finance 
  • Monetary policy / fiscal policy 
  • Economy and international trade 
  • Business economics, corporate finance 
  • Economy and economic law 
  • Economy and marketing 
  • Economy and econometrics 
  • Neuroeconomics, behavioral economics 
  • Economics of investment projects and project management
  • Economy and education 
  • Economic history 


    The accepted articles are described within some of the typologies that are described below: 

    • Scientific research. Document that presents the original results of completed research projects. 
    • Reflection. Document that presents research results completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. 
    • Review. Document resulting from a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, on a field of economic science, in order to account for the progress and development trends. 
    • Debate. Document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic and which are published because they constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference. 

      The authors of articles, at the foot of the page, should identify the type of article they are presenting, which should be subject to the concepts mentioned above. 

      Structure of the article 

      The article must have the following structure: 

      1. Introduction 
      2. Theoretical framework 
      3. Methodology 
      4. Results and discussion 
      5. Reflections / Conclusions / Final findings 
      6. Bibliographical references 

    Characteristics of the article: 

    1. The title of the article must be centered and in 14 points and 12 words. The text should be 12 points in Times New Roman.
    2. The article should not have more than 10 pages to 1 (one) space. 
    3. Titles (normal) and subtitles (in italics) in bold. 
    4. Captions in uppercase; the subtitles must have the first letter in uppercase and the other letters in lowercase. 
    5. The identification page of the author with the title of the work, full name of each author, affiliation and current address (postal address, telephone, mail) and a short biography of each author. 
    6. Summary of 200-250 words in English and Spanish. 
    7. Six keywords as a maximum of the main aspects dealt with at work. 
    8. Classification Code of the Journal of Economic Literature 
    9. Main text, must be clearly organized with titles and subtitles. 


This information must be on the first page   

  1. Articles must be submitted in Word format and the tables in Excel (if the article requires it). Both in Times New Roman text. The article must have a minimum of five thousand (5,000) words and must not exceed, in any case, ten thousand (10,000) words. 
  2. The title of the article should be centered, it should not exceed 12 words and 14 points. The subtitles (in bold) and the text must be 12 points, in Times New Roman font. In addition, the title will also be in English. 
  3. The indicadoresppropriate article diamantes must be a footn cálculo ,roffering Spat inicial comply with cálculo and type of bambú (scientificgunt, reglamentos de pricing, review, debate) honor. If the article is research, the following information should be added in the footnote: 
  4. authors  
    • First and last name of each of the authors  
    • Institution, city and country of each of the authors    
    • Institutional email  
    • Research group 
    • Name of the research project that gives rise to the article.    
    • Institution that finances the project. 
  5. The summary of the article must be presented in Spanish and English, in a single paragraph and no more than 200 words. Six key words (key words) are included, at the most, of the main aspects addressed in the article. 
  6. The article must include the code corresponding to the JEL classification system of the American Economic Association (      
  7. Biography: to each one of the authors of the article a footnote should be added that exposes the following information: 
    • Undergraduate degree, institution, city and country. 
    • Graduate degree, institution, city and country. 
    • Office, institution, city and country. 
    • Participation in research groups 
    • Postal address and telephone. 


      Economist, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Master in Political Economy, Universidad Politécnica de Bogotá, Colombia. Doctor in International negotiations, Private University of Quito, Ecuador. Senior Professor and Researcher responsible for research project, Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru. Germán Amezaga Street 375, Lima, Peru. Email:   

  8. Margins on all four sides should be 3.0 cm. Each page is numbered in the upper right. 
  9. The titles and subtitles of the article are numbered. 
  10. At the end of the article, "Final Reflections" should be included, which includes reflections on the topic by the author, conclusions and recommendations if the author considers it necessary. They should not be numbered 

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.



Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.