Dignified consumption and taxi app business (Uber case)


  • Carlos Eduardo Armas Morales Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Lima, Perú




Collaborative economy, collaborative user, taxi transport


This article, within the current framework of the so-called collaborative economy, evaluates whether the taxi app (Uber) that offers services in Peru (Lima), do so in accordance with the minimum principles of decent consumption, that is, if they provide a good taxi transport service, taking into account that in Europe these services have been classified within the public transport of taxis (Judgment of the European Court in 2017). And on the other hand, there is a debate in Latin America, including Peru to regulate these services (two bills were submitted in 2017), which calls for a theoretical review within the framework of Peruvian economic and contractual law, evaluating whether these meets the consumer: user-client, with the guarantee of adequate security to safeguard their life, health and physical psychic integrity, ie if the service is safe for the user-client, in the sense of having a decent treatment in its consumption and given the criminal acts (robberies, attempted rape and kidnappings etc.) that have occurred and occur in Lima in the provision of this service, nevertheless we believe that this study would reflect what is happening in other parts of Peru.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo Armas Morales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Lima, Perú
    Ingeniero Industrial (UNI)- Abogado (UNSMM), con estudios de Maestría en Impacto territoriales y ambientales de la Globalización (Becario de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía – España), Magister y Doctor en Derecho UNMSM. Profesor Asociado en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Investigador titular del grupo de Investigación INCIRENA. Pabellón de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, calle Germán Amezága 375, Lima 1 –Perú, Teléfono 990115042







How to Cite

Dignified consumption and taxi app business (Uber case). (2018). Pensamiento Crítico, 23(1), 97-120. https://doi.org/10.15381/pc.v23i1.15101