Social responsibility shared between state, mining companies and communities. The biopolitic and geoetic reflection


  • Carlos Alberto Toledo Gutierrez Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú



Biopolitics; bioethics; shared social responsibility; socio-environmental conflicts; Conga mining project


The interdisciplinary reflection on socio-environmental conflicts or known as anti-mining activity in the country, is relevant from the point of view of the importance of the national economy and its relationship with extractive activities in the country. The analysis of the problem from different epistemological perspectives, interpretative or hermeneutics, allows to increase the comprehension and possibilities of solution of socio-environmental conflicts. The issue gained importance when it became apparent in the facts that socio-environmental conflicts have the capacity of political incidence to stop important mining projects, in the context of an increase in investments in mining projects in the years 1995-2012. the theme and the case study of the failed Conga mining project in the Cajamarca region (2012), will validate the importance of a novel interpretative analytical approach from concepts such as biopolitics, geoethics and shared social responsibility, a concept that leads to the recognition of the need for shared social responsibility between the state, mining companies and communities.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Alberto Toledo Gutierrez, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú

    Ingeniero geólogo de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Egresado de la Maestría en Ingeniería con mención en Seguridad, Salud Ocupacional y Medio Ambiente de la misma universidad. Coordinador Nacional de la International Assocation Promothing Geoethics (IAPG)- Perú. Miembro de la Sección especializada en Geoética, Cultura Geológica y Sociedad de la Sociedad Geológica del Perú. Docente UNMSM-UARM –Lima-Perú.







How to Cite

Toledo Gutierrez, C. A. (2019). Social responsibility shared between state, mining companies and communities. The biopolitic and geoetic reflection. Revista Del Instituto De investigación De La Facultad De Minas, Metalurgia Y Ciencias geográficas, 22(43), 107-112.