Sociolinguistic characteristics of the nominals in the Spanish spoken by Ashaninkan immigrants




Nominals, bilingual Spanish, Ashaninka, inmigrants


The characteristics of nominal-most recurrent structures of Spanish spoken by bilingual Ashaninka immigrants in Lima city are described from a functional sociolinguistic perspective. The evaluation of Noun Phrase (NP) structures are fundamentally studied under qualitative support in order to evaluate the sociolinguistic factors such as, age sex, schooling and time of residence, and the influence of the mother tongue when building up such structures. As we have observed, one of the forms which reproduce the native language is the elision of the article because in this language the determinative category is not present in a phonological form. In the focus of the nominal structures, the variable “time of residence” acquires more importance in simple NP that are involved in process of elision, discordance, double possessive, among others. However, the degree of schooling becomes less important as a factor of influence.

Author Biographies

  • Pedro Falcón Ccenta, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru


    Licenciado en Lingüística con estudios completos de maestría en Lingüística y Sociología de la Educación por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Diplomado en interculturalidad e identidades por INDEPA y la UNMSM. Entre las actividades académicas, de investigación y temas de interés destacan la sociolingüística hispanoamericana y amerindia; educación intercultural bilingüe; interculturalidad y diversidad lingüística; política y planificación lingüística y contacto de lenguas. En los últimos años ha desarrollado estudios sociolingüísticos sobre la producción oral del castellano de migrantes bilingües indígenas amazónicos en zonas urbanas.

  • Licett Ramos Rios, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru


    Licenciada en Lingüística por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos con la tesis “Análisis cognitivo de los morfemas direccionales -an y -ap en la estructura verbal del asháninka del Alto Perené”.






Articles originals

How to Cite

Falcón Ccenta, P., & Ramos Rios, L. (2014). Sociolinguistic characteristics of the nominals in the Spanish spoken by Ashaninkan immigrants. Lengua Y Sociedad, 14(2), 30-49.