The metaphors of political and diplomatic analysts: from a cognitive perspective


  • Emérita Escobar Zapata Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



political metaphor, cognitive semantics, domains, conceptual categories


In this research we intend to do a study of the metaphorical expressions heard and created in the environment of politicians and diplomats, following the events of September 11, 2001 (11- S), whose responsibility fell on the group Al-Qaeda terrorist. The theoretical model used is that of cognitive semantics developed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (1980, 1995, 1999, 2001, 2004), Lakoff and Turner (1989), Lakoff  (1993.1996), Turner and Fauconnier (1995) . This model is ideal for reconstructing the conceptual schemes underlying metaphors or schematic images, created from the interaction between the human mind, body and perceptual-sensory experience or understanding of the world, through the mechanism of categorization. Also interested in explaining the role of these semantic resources in conversations or interceptions carried out these political actors. The reference sources are, first, the book entitled "Bush at War" political analyst, Bob Woodward (2002), second, "Hegemony and Survival" by Noam Chomsky (2003), (2004) and finally, the international press.

Author Biography

  • Emérita Escobar Zapata, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru


    Doctora en Lingüística por la UNMSM, profesora principal del Dpto. de Ciencias Humanas en la UNALM y de la EAP-Lingüística en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Es investigadora de las lenguas andinas. Ha sido Directora del Dpto. de Ciencias Humanas (2016-2018), igualmente, fue Directora de la Unidad de Proyección Social y Extensión Universitaria de la FEP-UNALM. Es miembro del Centro de Investigación y Lingüística Aplicada (CILA) y de la Cátedra Quechua de la UNMSM.






Articles originals

How to Cite

Escobar Zapata, E. (2012). The metaphors of political and diplomatic analysts: from a cognitive perspective. Lengua Y Sociedad, 12(1), 58-80.