A study of lexical availability associated with the areas of learning and motivation for learning


  • Carolina Zambrano Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago de Chile, Chile https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9538-1816
  • María Agustín Universidad de la Rioja, La Rioja, España




learning, motivation for learning, lexical availability, vocabulary production, graph


A study of lexical availability for the concepts of learning and learning motivation in student teachers is presented. To this end, the objectives are the following: i) to quantify the available lexicon using the NPD, XR, IC and IDL indexes, ii) to analyze the available lexicon using graphs, and iii) to categorize the available lexicon by means of semantic-cognitive associations. A mixed design methodology integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis was used. The results show that there is a need to improve the vocabulary on learning. Likewise, as a result we present a conceptual scheme of categorizations, which for the learning center of interest is composed of the following categories: reproductive study strategies, study strategies oriented to the application of knowledge, actors of the educational system, spaces of the educational system, elements for teaching-learning. For the motivation for learning center of interest, the categories are goal motivation, vocational orientation, and elements for teaching-learning.

Author Biographies

  • Carolina Zambrano, Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago de Chile, Chile

    D. in Education and Master in Computer Science from the Universidad de Concepción. Her main research interests are educational informatics, data science for cognitive science, lexical availability, learning and development of human-centered technologies.

  • María Agustín, Universidad de la Rioja, La Rioja, España

    D. in English Philology from the University of La Rioja and DEA (equivalent to master's degree) in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching and Learning of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University Antonio de Nebrija. Her main research interests have focused on examining the principles and processes that determine lexical acquisition in the foreign language and conditioning factors such as L1 influence, age, LE level, gender, or learning context (CLIL vs. traditional). His recent research focuses on lexical availability and the possibilities that mathematics and computer tools provide for lexical analysis, and the mental lexicon.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Zambrano, C., & Agustín, M. (2023). A study of lexical availability associated with the areas of learning and motivation for learning. Lengua Y Sociedad, 22(2), 473-492. https://doi.org/10.15381/lengsoc.v22i2.23855