A journal of the year of the plague: The porous borders between documentary prose and realistic fiction





fiction, nonfiction, literature, journalism


There are many texts that have moved between the territories of journalism and literature. A journal of the year of the plague, published in 1722, crossed the borders of both discursive modalities so many times that it has become a classic. Three centuries after its publication, this book by Daniel Defoe continues to be read as a realist novel, memoir, journalistic reportage and historical document. This article explores the readings it has provoked in the academy in the last half century, but also in the reception of diverse audiences in different generational contexts. It also explores the author's purposes and the debate that its hybrid and borderline character has generated. Our purpose is to question the dichotomy built between two expressive forms, supposedly exclusive, and to make visible the bridges and neighborhoods that were built and cultivated furtively between journalism and literature.


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How to Cite

A journal of the year of the plague: The porous borders between documentary prose and realistic fiction. (2022). Escritura Y Pensamiento, 21(43), 87-110. https://doi.org/10.15381/escrypensam.v21i43.21825