Publishing ethics

Ethics in the publication 

The Odontología Sanmarquina journal is guided by the standards and codes of ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics  (COPE)  [] and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME) </ strong> [], the declaration of the Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publication (http: // transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing); as well as Peruvian standards related to scientific research, such as legal regulations on Copyright, Open Access and others related to the topics of journal theme.

Odontología Sanmarquina considers plagiarism as a fraud in the publication, and is defined as the appropriation of the ideas, processes, results or words of another person without giving the corresponding credit. Fraud and misconduct are also understood as manufacturing (invention of data or results), and falsification (manipulation of research materials, equipment, processes to alter data or results, as well as the change or omission of data or results ). Odontología Sanmarquina does not tolerate plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, which establishes mechanisms to avoid and remedy it: (a) During the editorial process, Odontología Sanmarquina uses iThenticate software to detect them. (b) After its publication, if Odontología Sanmarquina detects or is alerted and confirms cases of plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, it will proceed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics  COPE - http : // being able to execute the retraction of the article. 

Likewise, Odontología Sanmarquina follows the international guidelines for the consideration of authorship, financing, acknowledgments and conflict of interest:

  • Authorship and acknowledgments: All authors of a manuscript to be evaluated must agree to the presentation of this manuscript to the journal. Odontología Sanmarquina adheres to the definition of author created by the International Committee of Medical Editors (ICMJE). According to ICMJE authorship criteria should be based on 1) substantial contributions to the conception and design or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) drafting of the article or critical review of its important intellectual content, 3) approval of the version to be published and 4) agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work. The authors must comply with all the conditions. All authors and co-authors must be accredited in the presentation of the manuscript, those who do not qualify as authors should be mentioned in the acknowledgments. In acknowledgments, it is necessary to specify the contributors in the article that are not the accredited authors; This section includes collaborators who influenced statistical analysis, histological sections, laboratory tests, microbiological management, assistants for animal handling, assistants for the photographic record, financing agents among other non-substantial activities that merit being part of the authorship of the study. 
  • Ethical approvals: When describing experimental design studies that have been carried out with humans and / or animals, it must be indicated in the "Methods" section if the procedures followed are in conformity to the ethical standards of the responsible, institutional or regional human experimentation committee, and in agreement with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki (2013 version) available at: https: // and the Additional requirements of the place where the investigation was conducted. For human studies, the institutional ethics committee that approved the protocol should be identified. If required, the Editorial Committee may request the approval of the Ethics Committee and the informed consent of the study to be published. When experimental animals are used, it should be indicated if they have followed the guidelines of an international research institution or council or a national law regulating the care and use of laboratory animals.  Clinical trial studies (CT) must be registered in the database accessible to the public, in the case of CT performed in Peru, they must be registered in Peruvian clinical trial registry (REPEC) whose link is: https: //, in the case of a study from another nationality, they must be registered in the platform of international registry of clinical trials (ICTRP), whose link is: /. If the CB is not registered or it is registered retrospectively, the reason must be explained.
  • Conflict of interest and funding sources: authors must declare the origin of any financial aid received. There is a conflict of interest when the author (and / or co-authors) had or has economic or personal relationships that have been able to bias or inappropriately influence their actions. In this case they should be indicated when the relationship (direct or indirect) is in reference to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. Potential sources of conflicts of interest may be: patent ownership, being a member of the board of directors of a company related to the investigation, being a member of an advisory board or business consulting committee, and receiving fees from any company involved in the investigation. the study. The existence of a conflict of interest does not prevent the publication of the article in the Journal. All authors of the work must complete the Affidavit requested by the journal that includes this aspect and include it at the time of submission of the manuscript. The declaration of conflicts of interest must be written in a paragraph at the level of the first page. 
  • Permissions:  authors are responsible for obtaining permission to partially reproduce the material (text, tables or figures) of other publications. These permits must be requested both to the author and to the Publisher that has published the material and to the institution that has financed the research and must be attached to the presentation of the manuscript. Additionally, the authors must include a statement that the content of the article is original and that it has not been previously published nor sent or submitted for consideration to any other publication, either in full or in part. Failure to disclose this information constitutes a serious breach of scientific ethics. The information presented within the manuscripts must have originality, the journal reserves the right to reject manuscripts when there are paragraphs and / or plagiarized information without the consent of another author and / or institution
  • Scientific drafting protocols: Studies of the type "Clinical trial" should follow the guidelines for writing the CONSORT guidelines ( ), for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes follow the guidelines of the PRISMA guideline ( ), for observational and epidemiological studies follow the guidelines of the STROBE guidelines ( https: //www.strobe ), while for the writing of reports of clinical cases follow the guidelines of the CARE guideline ( ).