
Section Policies


Articles about aspects of the policy of the journal, current affairs and research in dental science at national and international levels. They are presented at the request of the Director of the journal. They can contain up to ten references. The maximum number of authors will be three.
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES    Peer reviewed: NO

Original article

Research papers that have not been published in other research journals, which are written in such a way that even the author´s peers can, based on the indications of the text, reproduce the experiments and obtain similar results and verify the accuracy of the analyzes used to reach the conclusions of the document. The maximum length for these articles is 15 pages and 10 tables and/or figures. The main text of the original articles must be organized as follows: Abstract in Spanish and English, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliographic references
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES    Peer reviewed: YES

Case report

Consist on the description of one or more clinical cases of special interest, and also new surgical techniques or variants of them, analysis of results obtained with a particular technique or treatment of a rare or complex pathology. The maximum number of signing authors will be five. The abstract and its translation should have no more than 200 words with two to five keywords. The abstract will be unstructured and should contain: objective, description of the case, clinical outcome and conclusions. A maximum of 15 tables and/or figures are permitted. Graphics should facilitate the understanding of the case report. The main body of clinical reports should be organized as follows: Introduction, Case report (must include the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and results) Discussion and Bibliographic references.
 Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES     Peer reviewed: YES

Review article

Present the results of a finished research and analyzes, systematizes and integrates research results published or unpublished, in science and/or technology, in order to report the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a carefully elaborated bibliographic review of a specific topic. It must have a maximum of 15 pages, and it may be submitted up to five tables and/or figures to facilitate the understanding of the text. An unstructured abstract with no more than 250 words that features introduction, relevant aspects and conclusions should be presented. The minimum number of references is 30. The main content of the review articles should be organized as follows: Introduction, Review of current literature, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The structure of the systematic reviews should follow that of the original articles and up to 10 tables and / or figures.<br/p Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES     Peer reviewed: YES

Historical review

Document summarizing the historical information related to national and/or international dentistry, including biographical notes of characters who have made an outstanding contribution to this field. Also, documents related to the evolution and development of technologies and innovations related to dental research subjects can be found in this section. The text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Body of Review, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES      Peer reviewed: YES

Scientific note

These articles include the discussion or display of topics of interest to the scientific community. The body of the note can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the note, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES      Peer reviewed: YES


These articles are submitted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, include interviews with experts on a particular subject. The interview can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the interview and Bibliographic references.
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES      Peer reviewed: NO

Letter to the Editor

Objections or comments concerning published works in the last two issues of the journal, topics or matters of professional interest, as well as observations, research and/or experiences written briefly will be published. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.Those letters that relate to previously published articles in the journal will have the right to be replied by the author who can answer in a letter of similar extension within one month. The relevance of the publication of the reply will be evaluated by the Editorial Board. It may be included one table and/or figure and up to ten references. The main text of a letter to the editor comprises: Comment Body and Bibliographic references.
Open Files: YES        Indexed: YES      Peer reviewed: NO