About the Journal

Focus and purpose

Revista peruana de investigación e innovación educativa (REPIIE) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Facultad de Educación, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. REPIIE publishes unpublished and original scientific works, by national and foreign researchers and academics, on education issues, its processes, pedagogy and didactics addressed in different approaches, designs and scopes.

Open Access Policy

Revista peruana de investigación e innovación educativa has an open access policy to its contents, making them freely available to the public in order to exchange information and increase new knowledge in the educational field. For these purposes, it uses the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0) for the distribution of articles under the principle that collaborative work contributes to the global exchange and production of knowledge, at the service of social development, which allows the user access, read, download, share, print, save or use them without financial, legal or technical barriers, any documents and / or information on the internet, granting readers the free, irrevocable and worldwide right to access information, as well as to download , print, share or link the full text of any of the articles in any of the published numbers, provided that they are duly cited and taking into consideration the copyright, established in Legislative Decree 822, Law on Copyright, of the Peru.

Unpublished and original works

Manuscripts received must be original, they must not have been submitted to another journal or be in the process of editing. Translations of published articles or texts are also not accepted. The texts sent must not have been published in whole or in part. Recycling of texts or self-plagiarism are not accepted. All manuscripts will be evaluated with the Turnitin software.


REPIIE's general themes are education, its processes, pedagogy and didactics addressed in different approaches, designs and scopes.


REPIIE is quarterly, published in April, August and December.

Publication languages

Manuscripts in Spanish or English are accepted, the metadata information is always in English and Spanish.

Editing and peer review

REPIIE is aligned with the editorial policies Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Posgrado (VRIP) of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Manuscripts are submitted to an evaluation process that includes: preliminary editorial review, peer review, final editorial review, and publication.

Manuscripts are first evaluated by the editorial team according to the editorial policies of the journal and the requirements indicated in the submission guidelines. All manuscripts will be evaluated with the TURNITIN software to check the presence of plagiarism, as well as citation problems or bad bibliographic references. Manuscripts with similarities greater than 10% will not be accepted. Similarities include recycled texts or self plagiarism.

They are then subjected to a peer review process. The pairs are specialists in the topics covered in the manuscript. They rate the manuscript on one of these four options:

  • Acceptable for publication without modifications
  • Acceptable for publication if it clears minor observations
  • Acceptable for publication if it acquits serious observations
  • Unacceptable for publication

Payment for item shipment

Revista peruana de investigación e innovación educativa does not apply any article processing charges (Article proccessing charge, APC) in any part of the editing process, which includes reception, preliminary review, double-blind peer review, style correction, layout, publication, DOI assignment and marking of articles.

Ethical responsibilities

REPIIE is guided by the ethical concepts and good publication practices mentioned in the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE - http://publicationethics.org/). Regarding authorship, REPIIE assumes the veracity of the cover letter and the publication consent letter. REPIIE adheres an ethical commitment with the actors involved in the management and publication of the articles: editorial committee, authors and reviewers of the manuscripts received.

The authors must indicate in the method section that all the procedures for obtaining data carried out with the participants (tests, interviews, recordings, videos, etc.) have been carried out after obtaining informed consent.

Likewise, they indicate the possible existence of a conflict of interest or the possible need for a permit to carry out the investigation.

Policies for sanctioning bad research practices

REPIIE does not tolerate plagiarism and also considers it a dishonest practice to copy / paste that violates academic integrity. Therefore, take steps to detect these bad practices using the TURNITIN software. If plagiarism is detected in published works, it will be retracted according to the processes recommended by COPE.

REPIIE considers as bad research practices: the adulteration and manipulation of data in favor of results, indiscriminate use of self-citations and unjustified authorship. If any of these misconducts are found in any investigation, the editorial committee will evaluate the case and proceed to reject the manuscript or, if it is published, to retraction it according to the processes recommended by COPE.

Ethical responsibilities in the editorial process

  1. Editors: they supervise the publication processes following international ethical standards. In addition, to ensure that the manuscripts are reviewed according to the publication regulations.
  2. Authors: present results of transparent research processes, with rigorous scientific and ethical standards. They assume responsibility for the contents of the research to be published. During the editorial process, manuscripts should not be sent to another journal. Likewise, they must indicate the source of financing and declare conflicts of interest, if any.
  3. Reviewers: use objective and rigorous evaluation systems within the established deadlines. Evaluation reports must be relevant and substantiated.


  • The authors retain their trademark and patent rights, and also on any process or procedure described in the article.
  • The authors retain the right to share, copy, distribute, execute and publicly communicate the article published in the Revista Peruana de Investigación e Innovación Educativa (for example, place it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its publication. Initial in the Revista Peruana de Investigación e Innovación Educativa.
  • The authors retain the right to make a subsequent publication of their work, to use the article or any part of it (for example: a compilation of their works, notes for conferences, thesis, or for a book), provided that they indicate its publication Initial in the Revista Peruana de Investigación e Innovación Educativa (authors of the work, journal, volume, number and date).

Research data and information

All the data and metadata that support or are the source of the information shown or of the findings described in the submitted manuscript must be accessible in open access, that is, be deposited in a public open access repository, or that are provided as part of the manuscript to be published. Repositories must be trusted. They can be thematic and with specifically structured data (for example, GenBank for sequences and PDB for structures), or generalist repositories that accept multiple types of data in suitable formats, or be institutional repositories, as long as they provide persistent identifiers (DOI, Handle), or numbers or access code (LSID) and the data is have open access use licenses (such as CC BY) as part of the metadata.


  • Illustrations must be the creation of the authors, otherwise they must indicate origin and credits. Figures (maps, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photos, etc.) will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals; in the same way the Tables and the Boxes.
  • All illustrations must bear the name (for example: Figure 1, Table 1), the title in italics, Notes or Legends must be sufficiently explanatory, and with all the necessary information so that the illustration can be understood.
  • Scanned photos and drawings must be saved in a TIFF file, original size 300 dpi.
  • Statistical graphics and diagrams must be sent in editable native format (.xls file), not as images (JPGE, TIFF, PNG). Maps can be submitted in SHP formats, or high resolution images.
  • They can send photos from digital cameras greater than 3 Mpixel in their output format. Other image files in TIFF, BMP, JPGE of high resolution and size, and vector figures in Ai, EPS.

Publication consent

At the end of the editorial process, the responsible author will receive a proof of the work in PDF format, which he must carefully review, and consult with the other authors. Once editing errors have been solved, the responsible author will send a letter or email confirming that the work was reviewed by all the authors and they are satisfied, and explicitly mention their consent for the publication of the work as articles of the Revista peruana de investigación e innovación educativa. (REPIIE) agree to the LICENSE of use. This is a requirement for job posting.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the  Revista peruana de investigación e innovación educativa (REPIIE) and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.