Educational management and performance. Correlational study in the province of Recuay, Perú




Educational management, administrative management, institutional management, teaching performance


The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of educational management and teaching performance, through which the directive personnel carry out different actions aimed at allowing the teacher to carry out quality learning sessions to achieve meaningful learning in students. In this context, the following question arises, to what extent is educational management related to improving teacher performance? Methodologically, the study has a correlational scope. It was concluded that the pedagogical activities of the board of directors exert a positive influence for the improvement of teaching performance.Keywords: education management, pedagogical management, administrative management, institutional management, teaching performance.

Author Biography

  • René Gabriel Yépez Huamán, Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de Recuay, Perú

    Licenciado en Educación por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Actualmente se desempeña como directivo en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de la provincia de Recuay. Especialista en procesos de capacitación e implementación del Currículo Nacional en docentes de la localidad de Recuay y programas de gestión educativa para el personal directivo de educación básica.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Educational management and performance. Correlational study in the province of Recuay, Perú. (2021). Revista Peruana De investigación E innovación Educativa, 1(3), e21473 .