Motivation and academic performance of the English language


  • Yony Dalci Toledo Paucar Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance academic, academic motivation, cognitive consequences


The imminent challenge that arises in these times of pandemic within educational institutions is to feel the impulse that helps to stay motivated to demonstrate good academic performance as an English language learner. Therefore, the economic situations, the spaces where classes are taught in person and today, remotely, have generated the objective of this research: to know about motivation and its relationship with academic performance in students of the Language Center of the UNMSM. To this end, the research had a quantitative approach supported by a descriptive analysis. Then the problematic reality, the antecedents and the theories related to motivation and academic performance were presented. A 24-item instrument was used through the Likert scale. The data were analyzed and interpreted, reaching the conclusion that San Marcos students have relevance in the levels of motivation for learning the English language and the marks obtained for excellent performance, prior knowledge, intellectual capacity and styles of learning are also essential. learning.

Author Biography

  • Yony Dalci Toledo Paucar, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Licenciada en Educación por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Además, cuenta con estudios de maestría en Docencia Universitaria y doctorado en Educación en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Asimismo, se desempeña como docente en la Institución Educativa Particular Nuestra Señora de Montserrat.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Motivation and academic performance of the English language. (2021). Revista Peruana De investigación E innovación Educativa, 1(3), e21726.