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Author Guidelines


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Focus and Scope

The REVISTA PERUANA DE BIOLOGIA is a peer reviewed scientific journal, published by Instituto de Investigaciones de Ciencias Biológicas Antonio Raimondi, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. It is publish On line in February, May, August, November.
The REVISTA PERUANA DE BIOLOGIA publishes original research articles of outstanding scientific significance and relevance on topics of biodiversity, biotechnology, ecology, environmental management and biomedicine. The manuscripts may be submitted in English or Spanish. The articles will be reviewed by referees according to international standards of quality, creativity, originality and contribution to knowledge.

Cover Letter

The manuscript will be accompany of a covering letter signed for all authors, and addressed to the Chief Editor. The letter must mention that you have read the present guidelines, and the manuscript is original, unpublished and complete. The manuscript must be reviewed by all authors and have due consent of each. Therefore authors:

  • guarantee that they have read the author guidelines and understood the legal and ethical requirements mentioned in the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES.
  • guarantee that all the information contained is exact and come from observations or investigations carried out by the authors.
  • guarantee the authorship of all the nominees in the work and their participation in a relevant way in the design, execution and analysis and are responsible for the published work.
  • guarantee that the author have not competing interests on the results or conclusions drawn.
  • guarantee that the submitted manuscript has never been published in whole or in part, in the language presented or in any other language, and no other journal is submitted.
  • The authors guarantee that they did not violate national or international laws or ethical or bioethical norms in the elaboration of the investigation or article.
  • This letter must be sent signed by each of the authors, by email.

Authorship Misconduct will be cause for stopping process of editing [Read: Wager E. & Kleinert S. 2011. Responsible research publication: international standards for authors. A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010. Chapter 50 in: Mayer T. & Steneck N. (eds). Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment. Imperial College Press / World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (pp 309-16). (ISBN 978-981-4340-97-7)]

 Open Access, Creative Commons License and copyright

The authors acknowledge and accept the policies of the open access publication publication and the conditions of the Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0) LICENSE []. License that allows copying, distributing and publicly communicating the work.
Creative Commons license will be placed in all forms and media in which the article is published by the Revista Peruana de Biologia. All copies of the articles of the Revista Peruana de Biologia, on paper or digital, or any other means of information must include a citation and reference to the publication sources in their entirety.

Authors retain their rights as:

  1. The rights and patent rights to any process or procedure described in the article.
  2. The right to share, copy, distribute (e.g.: in their institutional repositories) and transmit the work.
  3. The subsequent right to the publication, use the article or any part thereof, in a printed compilation of his own works, such as collected writings or lecture notes, in a thesis, or to expand the article into book format for publication, always quoting sources published in full is made.

Peer review process

The works submitted to Revista Peruana de Biologia are peer review evaluation, and process include:

Journal guidelines evaluation: the process starts with the reception of work and evaluation by the Editorial Team who will review the fulfilment of the Guidelines to the authors, the application of a review with an anti-plagiarism software. Papers that do not meet some of the requirements of the Guidelines for authors / as will not be accepted. This process is within two weeks.

Peer review: The process is conducted by an Editor responsible. The accepted papers will undergo an evaluation process by reviewers (peer review). The peer review could be (1) single-blind (author doesn't know the identity of the reviewer), or (2) Open Peer review (author and reviewer identities are known by all participants, during or after the review process). Option of any type of peer review will be subject to the reviewers and editor agreement. The reviewers will be selected for their expertise and knowledge on the topic to which the work to be evaluated refers. The reviewer is requested to evaluate the work according to the international quality standards and criteria for publication. Also, reviewer ought to be responsibility, and discrete in the evaluation, and not have competition problems. This process has a very variable duration, usually between 2 to 4 months.

Reviewers receive the standards and recommendations on ethics and good behaviour that the Editorial Committee expects. Selected reviewers receive no remuneration. The authors of the articles can suggest reviewers when they send the cover letter, the Editorial Team reserves the selection of the reviewers.

Evaluation: The reviewers make suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. The evaluation of the referees qualifies the work as:

  • Work for publication without changes
  • Work for publication with minor changes
  • Work for publication with major changes
  • Work rejected
  • I work with a suggestion for another journal.

Editor withdraws submission: RPB expects author to respond to requests for corrections promptly, within 30 days. After this time without receiving news from the author, the editor in charge will proceed to consider the work as withdrawn, and a message will be sent indicating the interruption of the edition process. The author must remember that he will receive messages from the system to the email that he has indicated at the time of submission and that he will also be able to see the notifications on the submission page. Subsequently, the author can resubmit the manuscript with the indicated corrections and begin another edition process.

Acceptance, work in the press and consent for publishing. The work has the condition of ACCEPTED when it has passed the peer review process, the author has made all the indicated corrections and modifications and the Editor in charge informs the Editor-in-Chief that he accepts the work. The accepted work is sent for proofreading and layout of the galley PROOF. In this moment the manuscript will be considered IN PRESS. The correction of style and layout takes no more than 15 days and ends when the author sends an email giving his CONSENT FOR PUBLISING. If for any reason the author does not send his/her CONSENT FOR PUBLISING within a reasonable period and does not respond to the messages of the Chief Editor, the work will be considered withdrawn.

Total time for the evaluation of a manuscript in the RPB is between 3 to 6 months.

Continuous publishing of the articles

In 2023 the RPB will be beginning to publish articles as soon as the editing process is finished and the author gives his/her CONSENT TO PUBLISH. Articles will be show in Early publication section. The articles will have all the characteristics of the formally article and the citation model will show the closing date (month) of the number.

The articles will be grouped in an annual volume with four numbers with closing dates on February 25, May 25, August 30 and November 25. The articles are identified by a code that replaces the pagination (however, the number of pages used in the PDF by the article is also indicated ).

Presentation of manuscripts

  • The work files will be sent by the journal's OJS platform. Submission of manuscript .
  • The texts do not require a particular format, the default typefaces (fonts), spacing and margins provided by Word must be used. Do not use different letter families, do not force line spacing or spaces between words.
  • Papers can be presented in English or Spanish.
  • Authors should ensure that mathematical equations are editable, not images.
  • The work must have three basic parts: (a) identification, (b) body and (c) cited literature:

(a) The identification

Must contain:

Title (in English and Spanish) , written in high and low, with a length of no more than 150 characters (preferable option), including spaces.

Full name of the author or authors.

Emails of each author

Institutional affiliation of authors,

Address of the corresponding author

Abstract of no more than 250 words (in English and Spanish).

Keywords, five (in English and Spanish).

Contributions of all authors must be described. Revista Peruana de Biología has adopted the CRediT Taxonomy [download xlsx file] to describe each author’s individual contributions to the work.

Conflict of interest.

Funding. The source of funding for the work should be indicated, and include the code or reference number.

Acknowledgements: Should be devoted only to individuals and institutions that collaborated directly in the performance of work. 

Ethics in research and legal regulations. It must be indicated if the research was developed following the established ethical standards; for example, for work with animals or humans. Also, on compliance with legal requirements; for example, permits for collections were not omitted, nor were laws for the protection of endangered fauna violated.

(b) The body of work

It will vary according to the section of the RPB:

Articles. They are primary articles, unpublished results exhibiting work of complete and final investigations, which are contributions to knowledge. Here is included too, new species descriptions (it must be have the international standards characteristics of the information) and systematic reviews (review based in analytical and systematic methods to collect secondary data and analyse it. May include a meta-analysis). Body is organized in: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (Results, Discussion). An average of 3500 words of text in length, illustrations (tables and figures) should only be necessary for a better presentation of the results. For article about new species see article structure here.

Notes. Are primary articles, are included here: interest taxonomic works (distribution reports, taxonomic inventories, taxonomic notes), the information must have the standards of Darwin core. Results of screening are also included, which information is of interest to the scientific community. The text should not be longer than 15 pages. The body of the note can be organized: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Acknowledgments.

Comments. These are articles that discuss and expose themes or concepts of interest to the scientific community. Opinion essays and papers are included here. Must have the following parts: body of Comment and Acknowledgements. All item must have an average of 10 pages text.

Reviews of Books. Articles that discussed recent publications of interest to the scientific community. Available from the Editor Committee to draw up a comment by sending two copies of the book to the address of the Peruvian Journal of Biology.

Citing in the text

Citations in the text should include the author’s name and year without comma separating them. Examples: ... (Carrillo 1988) or “ ... according to Sánchez (1976) ... “ When two authors are cited in the text used the conjunction “and” ... the nitrogen concentration was measured according to Rios and Castro ( 1998) .... When brackets are cited the “&” symbol is used ... nitrogen by the colorimetric method (Rios & Castro 1998 ) was measured .... Several quotes in brackets are separated by commas, in sequence of importance: ... the diversity of species is considered high (Simoniz 1968, Perez 2012, Aquino 1988). If there are several works by the author in the same year, use letters to identify the respective year, example: ... Castro ( 1952a ) ... (Rojas 2000a, 2003c ) Institutional Authors (FAO, MINAM , etc. . ) are listed with their abbreviations, initials and dates (e.g. FAO 2009, MINAM 2012), in references [Literatura cited] were placed in parentheses the meaning. Quotations of laws and regulations: quoted indicating their category and number. For example, “as stated in Law No. 26821 ...” When there are more than two authors, cite the first author and “ et al. “ Be placed without italics: (e.g. Smith et al. 1981) Or “... according to Smith et al. (1981)”). Direct or quotations must be made quotation marks in the text when they are less than 40 words a different language to the text in italics, indicate page excerpt: ... instead Robert Francis describes it wrongly “with radial ribs little hinted crossed by concentric grooves growth of very thin which gives smooth appearance” (Francis 1971 , p: 234). Or direct quotations of more than 40 words should be separated from the text in a paragraph bleeding,

e.g.: ... Accioly (2003) notes that : “In many animals groups, early sex identification has enormous biotechnological value and is related with that increase production management practices. Moreover, dimorphic characters are useful in the taxonomic and ecological aspects. The sexual dimorphism is associated with structures related to functional adaptation ... In this species based on Subsequent researches These data will enable to estimate sexual differentiation During early ontogenetic phases subsidizing protocols to obtain monosex stocks with significant impact on commercial production” (p: 20) .

(c) Literature Cited

Reference style:  CSE (Council of Science Editors). 2017. Scientific Style and Format, The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers. 8th Edition.

It will include all references cited in the text only arranged alphabetically without numbering. The event begins with the first author then no comma, the initials separated by dots without space. The second and third author should have the initials of the name and then the name. The last author differed that precedes the symbol &. If they had more than three authors may be indicated by the abbreviation et al. The names of periodicals (magazines) can go in the official abbreviation ISSN considered by code, but is preferable the use of extended name. The DOI code should be placed at the end of the reference. DOI must be show as URL ( In cited literature no use italic nor bold type.

Examples: [see below]

The quotes from newspaper articles should include volume, year, journal name and the respective DOI; otherwise they shall be omitted.

Abstracts of academic events are not accepted (conferences, etc.).

Standards and characteristics of the information in the work

The Revista peruana de Biologia is adhered to the ethical concepts and best practices of publication referred in the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE -

Regarding the authorship, the Revista Peruana de Biologia assume the veracity of the cover letter and the letter of consent from publication. When the article expose experiments on humans and animals, the procedures must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 and current Peruvian law (Law 27265).

Should be presented and the relevant statements explicitly mentioned in the text. When the article expose new species, new records, biogeographic or taxonomic inventories extensions should be considered the required information in the Darwin Core.

Deposit copies must also be entered in a recognized taxonomic institution, committed to the preservation of the material, to allow free access to the material , the relationship constantly publish material it has in custody and to provide the necessary information on the specimens when required. Rev peru biol are not considered private collections.

The scientific names of genus and species go in italics. The first time that a body must be quoted with their full scientific name (genus, species and author); subsequently may be given only the generic name initial and full specific name. In the case of author abbreviations in botanical names can refer to the International Plant Names Index (IPNI - data base TROPICS ( and AlgaeBase (

Localities and collection points allways should be geo-referenced using sexagesimal Cartesian(e.g. 12°13'64.5"S, 77°5'24.5"W) coordinates or UTM (e.g. 18L 463809 8826881) in both text and illustrations.

Symbols and units of the International System of Units must be used. If necessary add measures in other systems, abbreviations should be defined in the text. The decimal point (0,5 incorrect; 0.5 correct) should be used.


Illustrations must be the work and creation of the authors, otherwise they must indicate origin and credits.

The Figures (maps, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photos, etc.) will be nominated correlatively with Arabic numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2 ...); in the same way the Tables (Table 1, Table 2 ...).

The legends of the Figures and Tables must be presented after the text of the manuscript, after Literature cited; They must be sufficiently explanatory, and with all the information necessary for the illustration to be understood separately from the body, "see text" should not be indicated.

Scanned photos and drawings must be sent in a TIFF file, 300 dpi and original size, but no larger than 15 cm wide.

Statistical graphics and diagrams must be sent in editable native format (.xls file, .svg file ,.eps file), not as images (JPGE, TIFF, PNG).

Maps can be submitted in SHP formats, editable PDF format, or high resolution JPGE images.

You must send digital camera photos in their original output format.

Composite photos (photomicrograph combining slices stacked) with widths of 15 cm and 300 dpi.

Other image files in TIFF, BMP, JPGE of high resolution and size less than 15 cm wide, and vector figures in Ai, EPS.

Formats coming from software like R, in editable formats of PDF, EPS (Postscript).

Consent Release

The author will receive a proof of the article in PDF format, which will review it carefully and consult with the other authors. Once solved editing errors, the corresponding author will send a letter or email confirming that the work was reviewed by all authors and conform, and explicitly mention of their consent to the publication of the work in the Revista Peruana de Biologia and to be according to the license Creative Commons. This is a requirement for the publication of the work. 

The Revista Peruana de Biología has not charge of editing, publishing or managing.

Reference examples

  • Andrén H, & AndrenH. 1994. Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Birds and Mammals in Landscapes with Different Proportions of Suitable Habitat: A Review. Oikos 71(3):355-366.
  • Dormann C, McPherson JM,  Araújo MB, et al. 2007. Methods to Account for Spatial Autocorrelation in the Analysis of Species Distributional Data: a Review. Ecography 30(5):609–628.
  • Buhrnheim CM, Malabarba LR. 2006. Redescription of the type species of Odontostilbe Cope, 1870 (Teleostei: Characidae: Cheirodontinae), and description of three new species from the Amazon basin. Neotrop. ichthyol. 4 (2): 167-196. httpS://
  • Laub BG, Palmer MA. 2009. Restoration Ecology of Rivers, in: G.E. Likens (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters. Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 332–341.
  • Rohde K. 2002. Ecology and biogeography of marine parasites, in: Advances in Marine Biology. Academic Press, pp. 1–83.
  • McLachlan A, Brown AC. 2006. The Ecology of Sandy Shores. Elsevier Science & Technology Books. 373pp.
  • Crawford DJ. 1983. Phylogenetic and systematic inferences from electrophoretic studies. In: S.D. Tanksley and T.J. Orton, eds. Isozymes in Plant Genetics and Breeding, Part A. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Pp. 257-287.
  • Pianka ER. 1978. Evolutionary ecology. 2nd edn. New York: Harper & Row.
  • Carroll SB. 2005. Evolution at Two Levels: On Genes and Form. PLoS Biol 3(7): e245. Acceso 31/07/2005.
  • FDA (Food and Drug Administrations). 2001. Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance. Third Edition June 2001. (acceso 24/12/07).
  • MINAM (Ministerio del Ambiente ). 2017. Cifras Ambientales 2017, Informe. MINAM, SINIA, Lima. 26 pp.
  • Quipuzcoa Olguín L, Marquina Herrera R, Yupanqui Cuadros W. 2001. Comunidades macrozoobentónicas registradas durante el crucero BIC José Olaya Balandra 0004-05. Comunidades macrozoobentonicas registradas durante el crucero BIC Jose Olaya Balandra 0004-05. [accessed 2020 Jul 31].
  • Solari SA. 2002. Sistemática de Thylamys (mammalia: didelphimorphia: marmosidae). Un estudio de las poblaciones asignadas a Thylamys elegans en Perú. Tesis, Magíster en Zoología, mención Sistemática y Evolución. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
  • Ley N°. 26821. 1997. Ley orgánica para el aprovechamiento sostenible de los recursos naturales. Compendio de la legislación ambiental peruana. Volumen I. Marco normativo general. Ministerio del Ambiente –MINAM, Editado por la Dirección General de Políticas, Normas e Instrumentos de Gestión Ambiental del Ministerio del Ambiente. Actualizado al 30 de junio de 2010. pp: 85-91
  • DS N°. 012-2001-PE. 2001. Aprueban el Reglamento de la Ley General de Pesca, Ministerio de la Producción. 13 de marzo de 2001. El Peruano Normal Legales: 199905-199921
  • DS N° .179-2004-EF. 2004. Texto único ordenado de la ley del impuesto a la renta. 08 de diciembre de 2004. El Peruano Normas Legales: 281912-281940

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The cover letter is sent. All authors have participated in the preparation of the work and are aware of the submission, their responsibilities and the open access condition of Rev peru biol. Their respective emails will be included.
  • The manuscript is in Word file, and is divided into three basic parts: (a) identification, (b) body, and (c) literature cited, according to the Guidelines for authors.
    Files larger than 2 Megabytes can be sent to, indicating the title of the work and author.
  • In the Information section has been included what refers to: (1) Information about the contribution, (2) Information on conflict of interest, (3) Funding Source; (4) Acknowledgement, (5) Ethics in research and legal regulations.
  • The bibliographic references have the requirements and the CSE style indicated in the Guidelines for authors, which can be found in About the magazine and have their DOI codes in the corresponding cases.
  • The submitted work is not a thesis, or the resumen of some thesis. However, the journal accepts scientific articles based on the information, data and results obtained in the process of writing the thesis.
  • The Revista Peruana de Biologia adheres to and promotes open science, for which reason it requests that the data and metadata that support or are a source of the information shown or the findings described in the submitted manuscript be included in the article as tables, appendices, annexes or accessible in open access in some appropriate repository (see Availability of data and information of the work).


Are primary articles, unpublished reports the results of research and constitute contributions to knowledge. Should contain the following parts: Title, Authors, Abstract (in English and Castilian), keywords (in English and Castilian), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion. All item must have an average of 30 text pages, illustrations should be only for a better presentation of the results.

Data paper

Data articles provide detailed descriptions of datasets and generally do not include any interpretation or discussion. They are expected to contain information about the dataset's history, purpose, methodology for data collection, funding sources, taxonomic and geographic coverage, and other basic information. Additionally, they should explain the dataset's value and utility (basic or applied) to the scientific community.

The structure of the article should include:

  • Introduction: General description of the dataset, including its purpose and relevance.
  • Methodology: Details on how the data were collected and processed.
  • Results: Description of the data, including any preliminary analysis if applicable.
  • Data Availability: Information on where and how the data can be accessed, including the specific repository and unique identifier (DOI).
  • Summary and Conclusion: Brief recap of the key information about the dataset and its relevance.
  • Appendix: Any additional information that supports the understanding and use of the data.
  • References: Citations of relevant works and any sources used in the creation of the dataset.

Data are generally deposited in specialized repositories that provide open and persistent access to the dataset, assigning them a unique identifier (DOI).


They are primary articles, like as: (a) taxonomic works such as distribution reports, taxonomic inventories, taxonomic notes, with the necessary information to cover the Darwin core standards. Laboratory test results are also included, the information of which is of interest to the scientific community. The extension of the text will not be greater than 15 pages. The body of the Note can be organized: Introduction, Material and methods, Results and Discussion.


Comments are articles wherein topics or concepts of interest to the scientific community are discussed and presented, particularly related to biodiversity or biotechnology at the national, regional, or global level. Typologies included here encompass narrative reviews, opinion essays, and other articles not considered primary. They should contain the basic elements for proper identification, including the main body of the comment and the Literature cited section. The entire article should have a maximum word count of approximately 4000 words.

Letters to Editor

Letters to the Editor are articles addressing issues encountered in the Peruvian Journal of Biology, whether pertaining to its articles, editorial work, editorial policies, or other matters related to the editing, functioning, and publication of the journal. They may include tables or graphs if necessary; if they entail a study of the journal itself, they are suggested to be submitted to the Comments section. They are published following editorial review and, when necessary, undergo peer review.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.