Annotated checklist of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) for Peru


  • Tiina Särkinen Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, EH3 5LR Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
  • Maria Baden Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.
  • Paúl Gonzáles Laboratorio de Florística, Departamento de Dicotiledóneas, Museo de Historia Natural - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Avenida Arenales 1256, Apartado Postal 14-0434, Lima, Perú.
  • Marco Cueva Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Av. Alcides Carrión s/n., Arequipa, Perú.
  • Leandro L. Giacomin 5 Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas, Av. Mendonça Furtado, 2946, 68040-050, Santarém, Pará, Brasil. 6 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, 31270-901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. 7 Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia e Herbário HSTM, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará - UFOPA, Av. Mendonça Furtado, 2946, Santarém, CEP 68040-050, PA, Brazil.
  • David M. Spooner USDA Agricultural Research Services, Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI 53706-1590, USA.
  • Reinhard Simon Integrated IT and Computational Research, Centro Internacional de la Papa/International Potato Center, Avenida La Molina 1895 – Apartado Postal 1558, Lima, Perú.
  • Henry Juárez Integrated IT and Computational Research, Centro Internacional de la Papa/International Potato Center, Avenida La Molina 1895 – Apartado Postal 1558, Lima, Perú.
  • Pamela Nina Laboratorio de Florística, Departamento de Dicotiledóneas, Museo de Historia Natural - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Avenida Arenales 1256, Apartado Postal 14-0434, Lima, Perú.
  • Johanny Molina Laboratorio de Florística, Departamento de Dicotiledóneas, Museo de Historia Natural - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Avenida Arenales 1256, Apartado Postal 14-0434, Lima, Perú.
  • Sandra Knapp Plants Division, Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Rd, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.



diversity patterns, endemism, species diversity, tropical Andes.


The genus Solanum is among the most species-rich genera both of the Peruvian flora and of the tropical Andes in general. The present revised checklist treats 276 species of Solanum L., of which 253 are native, while 23 are introduced and/or cultivated. A total of 74 Solanum species (29% of native species) are endemic to Peru. Additional 58 species occur only in small number of populations outside Peru, and these species are here labelled as near-endemics to highlight the role Peru playes in their future protection. Species diversity is observed to peak between 2500 – 3000 m elevation, but endemic species diversity is highest between 3000 – 3500 m elevation. Cajamarca has the highest number of endemic (29 spp.) and total species (130 spp.), even when considering the effect of area. Centers of endemic species diversity are observed in provinces of Cajamarca (Cajamarca), Huaraz and Carhuaz (Ancash), and Canta and Huarochirí (Lima). Secondary centres of endemism with high concentrations of both endemics and near-endemics are found in San Ignacio and Cutervo (Cajamarca), Santiago de Chuco (La Libertad), Oxapampa (Pasco), and Cusco (Cusco). Current diversity patterns are highly correlated with collection densities, and further collecting is needed across all areas, especially from Arequipa, Ayacucho, Puno, Ancash, Huánuco, Amazonas and Cajamarca, where high levels of species diversity and endemism are indicated but only a few collections of many species are known.


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How to Cite

Särkinen, Tiina, Maria Baden, Paúl Gonzáles, Marco Cueva, Leandro L. Giacomin, David M. Spooner, Reinhard Simon, et al. 2015. “Annotated Checklist of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) for Peru”. Revista Peruana De Biología 22 (1): 003-062.