Growth of Ocotea cernua (Lauraceae) in Peruvian Amazon floodplain forests


  • Juan Rommel Baluarte Vásquez Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre
  • Juan Gabriel Álvarez González Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



Tropical forest, Dendroecology, Tree diameter growth, Tree competition index, Basal area of largest trees-BAL, flood plain forests, Ocotea cernua, Peruvian Amazon.


Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez "moena negra" is a commercial species that thrives in alluvial floodplain forests in the Peruvian Amazon. This study presents information about diameter growth of O. cernua and provides useful information for its forest management. The stand density and structure was analysed in nine permanent sample plots (100 m x 100 m) and 24 transects (40 m x 100 m). Analysis of tree diameters at different time indicates maximum values of 9.5 and 17.4 mm/year for the average annual diameter increment and the maximum annual diameter increment respectively; both into 25 ‒ 30 cm diameter classes. Considering this increments, a tree will reach a diameter higher than 30 cm DAP, in 60 to 34 years respectively. Estimations of the adjusted model showed the maximum annual growth increment estimated in 2.10, 1.28 and 0.50 cm for trees with low, medium and high competition, corresponding to trees with DBHs of 21.10, 20.28 and 20.50 cm for trees with low, medium and high competition, respectively. However, the time required to reach such diameters is highly variable with values of 12.31, 20.35 and 54.51 years, respectively.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Rommel Baluarte Vásquez, Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre
    Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre, Avenida 7 N° 229, Urb. Rinconada Baja, La Molina, Lima, Perú.
  • Juan Gabriel Álvarez González, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

    Escuela Politécnica Superior de Lugo, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. 27002. Lugo, España.







How to Cite

Baluarte Vásquez, Juan Rommel, and Juan Gabriel Álvarez González. 2018. “Growth of Ocotea Cernua (Lauraceae) in Peruvian Amazon Floodplain Forests”. Revista Peruana De Biología 25 (1): 023-028.