Molecular characterization of microorganisms during cocoa-bean fermentation process (Theobroma cacao)


  • Juana Inés Machuca-Guevara Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Perú.
  • Erick Antonio Suárez-Peña Cooperativa de Trabajadores BIOTECOOP, Dpto de Biotecnología Agrícola, Tumbes, Perú
  • Emmerik Motte Darricau Empresa de investigación y servicio Inca Biotec SAC, Tumbes, Perú
  • Eric Louis Mialhe-Matonnier Empresa de investigación y servicio Inca Biotec SAC, Tumbes, Perú



Cocoa beans, fermentation, microorganisms, DNA sequencing, MALDI-TOF/TOF MS


Cocoa beans fermentation is a spontaneous process of post-harvest very important for the development of chocolate aroma and flavor, which involves a number of complex microbial activities. In this work, we identify the microorganisms present in cocoa beans before, during and after the fermentation process, applying DNA sequencing analysis and MALDI TOF / TOF mass spectrometry. With the first method, the predominant bacteria and yeast identified were Lactobacillus plantarum (29%), L. brevis (18%), Bacillus cereus (15%), Pediococcus acidilactici (12%), and Pichia kudriavzevii (100%). The most important peptide sequences of each identified strain by mass fingerprint were characterized too. By the second method, 51 species of microorganisms being 73.7% bacterial species and 26.3% yeast species were identified. Additionally peptide sequences responsible Vicilin protein characteristic aroma of the fermented cocoa beans and the albumin protein of 21KDa were detected.


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Author Biographies

  • Juana Inés Machuca-Guevara, Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Perú.
    • Universidad Nacional de Tumbes. Programa de maestría de Ciencia Activa en Biotecnología Molecular. Tumbes.
    • Empresa de investigación y servicio Inca Biotec SAC, Tumbes, Perú
  • Emmerik Motte Darricau, Empresa de investigación y servicio Inca Biotec SAC, Tumbes, Perú
    • Concepto Azul, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Eric Louis Mialhe-Matonnier, Empresa de investigación y servicio Inca Biotec SAC, Tumbes, Perú

    Concepto Azul, Guayaquil, Ecuador.







How to Cite

Machuca-Guevara, Juana Inés, Erick Antonio Suárez-Peña, Emmerik Motte Darricau, and Eric Louis Mialhe-Matonnier. 2019. “Molecular Characterization of Microorganisms During Cocoa-Bean Fermentation Process (Theobroma Cacao)”. Revista Peruana De Biología 26 (4): 535-42.