Impact on soil microbial biota by pollutants from filling station




contamination, bacteria, hydrocarbons, fatty acids


Any chemical compound introduction in the soil, impact in bacterial community. This work aimed to observe the changes in the bacterial community of a soil that was contaminated with hydrocarbons (gasoline, diesel, oil and mixtures 1: 1 diesel-oil and 1: 1: 1 gasoline-diesel-oil). Microcosms were considered that were followed by mineralization, bacterial count, determination of TPH and acid extraction to monitor the bacterial community. There were disturbances in the composition of fatty acids of the bacterial community in all treatments. The addition of nutrients in the control system produces an increase in bacterial count and the system that best degraded was the system with diesel alone, the presence of hydrocarbons produced a grouping of samples with oil and mixtures in the PCA diagram.


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Author Biographies

  • Adrián Javier Acuña, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Santa Cruz: Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina.

    Professor of General Chemestry

  • Luciana Cambarieri, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Santa Cruz: Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina.

    Profesor Assitent in General Chemistry

  • Graciela Natalia Pucci, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco. Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Microbiología Aplicada (CEIMA), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Chubut, Argentina.

    Profesora de Tratamientos de Residuos de la Explotación petrolera, jefe de trabajaos prácticos de microbiología general y jefe de trabajos practicos de microbiología ambiental. Trabajo en la univesidad durante el 2013 fui jefe de departamento de bioquímica y durante 4 años consejera del consejo superior de la unversidad. Trabajo en el centro de investigacion en microbiología aplicada (CEIMA) en la parte de ácidos grasos de membrana y determinaciones de hidrocarburos por GC  e IR. Area de Trabajo degradación de hidrocarburospor bacterias ambientales







How to Cite

Acuña, Adrián Javier, Luciana Cambarieri, and Graciela Natalia Pucci. 2020. “Impact on Soil Microbial Biota by Pollutants from Filling Station”. Revista Peruana De Biología 27 (3): 417-22.