Description of the nest of Phyllotis andium (Cricetidae: Phyllotini), in a inter Andean dry scrub in Ecuador.




Azuay, cricetids, temperate zoogeographic region, Pennisetum clandestinum, grass


In this work, we describe the structure of the nest of Phyllotis andium Thomas, 1912 in an inter-Andean dry scrub in the south of the Azuay province in Ecuador, and the use of an introduced grass in their manufacture. Observations on sociability and abundance of this species are also presented. These data provide new information on the intraspecific relationships of these rodents and their natural history.


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How to Cite

Nivelo-Villavicencio, Carlos, Amanda B. Quezada, and José Vieira. 2021. “Description of the Nest of Phyllotis Andium (Cricetidae: Phyllotini), in a Inter Andean Dry Scrub in Ecuador”. Revista Peruana De Biología 28 (4): e20158.