In vitro bioprospecting of rhizospheric fungi associated to cactus (Opuntia cochenillifera) to plant growth promotion


  • João Manoel da Silva Piauí State University, Campus Dep. Jesualdo Cavalcanti, Piauí, Brazil.
  • Paula Cibelly Vilela da Silva Campus de Engenharias e Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo, AL, Brazil.
  • Viviane Araújo Dalbon Universidade de Córdoba, 77-305, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.
  • Regla Toujaguez la Rosa Massahud Campus de Engenharias e Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo, AL, Brazil.
  • Tania Marta Carvalho dos Santos Campus de Engenharias e Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brazil.
  • Gaus Silvestre de Andrade Lima Campus de Engenharias e Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo, AL, Brazil.



3-indol acetic acid, Phosphate, Water restriction, Fusarium, Colletotrichum, Antagonism


This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the plant growth promotion capacity of rhizospheric fungi from Opuntia cochenillifera. The isolates were submitted to phosphate solubilization, acetic acid-3-indole (AIA) production, antagonism against phytopathogens, and growth under water activity. All test results were subjected to statistical analysis. The studied isolates were able to solubilize phosphate, being F04 (Aspergillus sp.) and F05 (Coprinellus radians) the ones that presented the highest solubilization indices. As to produce AIA, F02 (Penicillium sp.) and F07 (Aspergillus sp.) were the most promising. All isolates could inhibit the growth of Colletotrichum sp. and Fusarium sp. Water restriction provided mycelial growth for all isolates. Therefore, these characteristics confer characteristics as growth promoters in plants.


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How to Cite

Silva, João Manoel da, Paula Cibelly Vilela da Silva, Viviane Araújo Dalbon, Regla Toujaguez la Rosa Massahud, Tania Marta Carvalho dos Santos, and Gaus Silvestre de Andrade Lima. 2022. “In Vitro Bioprospecting of Rhizospheric Fungi Associated to Cactus (Opuntia Cochenillifera) to Plant Growth Promotion”. Revista Peruana De Biología 29 (2): e22125.