New breeding colony of the Peruvian Tern (Sternula lorata) in southern coast of Peru


  • Jhonson K. Vizcarra Administración Técnica Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre Moquegua-Tacna (ATFFS Moquegua-Tacna), Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre (SERFOR), Tacna, Perú.
  • Yerko A. Vilina Biolog, Santiago, Chile.
  • Karla Anfruns Biolog, Santiago, Chile.



Peruvian Tern, Sternula lorata, reproductive site, Pampa El Palo, southern Peru


This note describes the existence of a new reproductive colony of Sternula lorata in Pampa El Palo, located in the district and province of Ilo, department of Moquegua. Between August 2016 and March 2017, 8 to 324 S. lorata were recorded and 12 active nests were found. The reproductive area comprises about 600 ha and is characterized by being an open area with sandy-type soil and the presence of shells. This species faces some anthropogenic threats in the area, such as the traffic of motorized vehicles, the passage of local fishermen and the presence of domestic dogs.


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How to Cite

Vizcarra, Jhonson K., Yerko A. Vilina, and Karla Anfruns. 2022. “New Breeding Colony of the Peruvian Tern (Sternula Lorata) in Southern Coast of Peru”. Revista Peruana De Biología 29 (3): e22850.