Zooplankton composition in five oxbow lakes from the Upper Juruá River, Acre State, Brazil


  • Maria José Alencar dos Santos Federal University of Acre, Forest Campus – Water analyses and Microbiology laboratories, Cruzeiro do Sul, AC, Brazil. CEP 69980-000.
  • Erlei Cassiano Keppeler Federal University of Acre, Forest Campus – Water analyses and Microbiology laboratories, Cruzeiro do Sul, AC, Brazil. CEP 69980-000.
  • Lisandro Juno Soares Vieira Federal University of Acre, Rio Branco Campus - Center for Biological Sciences and Nature, BR 364 km 04 - Industrial District - Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. 69915-900
  • Alzenira Jacob Serra Federal University of Acre, Forest Campus – Water analyses and Microbiology laboratories, Cruzeiro do Sul, AC, Brazil. CEP 69980-000.
  • Antonio Sergio Ferraudo São Paulo State University - Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences - Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. CEP 14870-000




Rotifera, diversity, numerical density, oxbow lake, Neotropical.


This work was conducted in five oxbow lakes located between Cruzeiro do Sul and Rodrigues Alves counties (Acre State, Brazil), to provide additional information about the composition of zooplankton assemblages in the Upper Juruá River. Samples were collected from May 2009 to May 2010, and fixed with 4% formalina. The numeric density (ind.m -3 ) was obtained from subsequent sub-samples (1 mL). The study recorded 19 zooplankton families. Rotifers showed higher species richness (81 species), followed by cladocerans (3 species) and various forms of copepods and other organisms. Higher zooplankton means of numeric density was found in Novo Lake, with rotifers (1879 ind.m -3), cladocerans (207 ind.m -3), copepods (870 ind.m -3 ). Diversity and numeric density were similar to other Neotropical aquatic ecosystems.


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How to Cite

dos Santos, Maria José Alencar, Erlei Cassiano Keppeler, Lisandro Juno Soares Vieira, Alzenira Jacob Serra, and Antonio Sergio Ferraudo. 2013. “Zooplankton Composition in Five Oxbow Lakes from the Upper Juruá River, Acre State, Brazil”. Revista Peruana De Biología 20 (2): 137-44. https://doi.org/10.15381/rpb.v20i2.2677.