Reproductive development of Krapfia weberbaueri(Ranunculaceae) under controlled conditions of light and temperature


  • Beatriz Roca 1 Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Dirección Postal 11-0058. Lima 11, Perú 2 Laboratorio de Florística, Departamento de Dicotiledóneas, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú.
  • Mery Suni 1 Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Dirección Postal 11-0058. Lima 11, Perú 3 Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Biológicas Antonio Raimondi (ICBAR), Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UNMSM. Lima, Perú.
  • Asunción Cano 2 Laboratorio de Florística, Departamento de Dicotiledóneas, Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú. 3 Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Biológicas Antonio Raimondi (ICBAR), Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, UNMSM. Lima, Perú.



Peru, Ancash, flowering, gynophore, nectar.


Krapfia weberbaueriStandl. & J. F. Macbr. is an endemic species from Peru, categorized as vulnerable, and distributed in the departments of Ancash, Huanuco, Junin and San Martin. This work reports the reproductive development of the species under controlled conditions of light and temperature (12 hours light/12 hours darkness, 12 °C during light hrs and 8 °C during dark hrs). Entire plants at reproductive stage were collected at Cordillera Blanca (Ancash), where it is found forming patches, at an elevation of 4200 to 4800 m. The species has large and showy flowers, which from anthesis to the onset of senescence remain responsive, however at a greater extent in the mature flower, stage at which the dehiscence of stamens and release of pollen grains reaches 100%. This period lasts a total of 13 days. Nectar production begins when the flower matures and continues until the total senescence of petals. The viability of the pollen grains varied from 78 to 97% and success in achene production was 38-62%. It may be noted that pollination is favored by the final position of anthers over the stigmas, nectar production, moderate presence and movement of mites and aphids, and the pendulous position of the flower.


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How to Cite

Roca, Beatriz, Mery Suni, and Asunción Cano. 2013. “Reproductive Development of Krapfia weberbaueri(Ranunculaceae) under Controlled Conditions of Light and Temperature”. Revista Peruana De Biología 20 (3): 233-40.