Cover letter template

Sample Letter of presentation of works to the Revista Peruana de Biología



Dear Editor of the Revista Peruana de Biología:

[First part: Presentation and declarations of the authors about their participation, example:]

I/We wish to submit an original research article entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by Revista Peruana de Biología.  I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

We declare to agree with the Open Access nature of the RPB and the use of the Creative Commons license it provides.

All authors guarantee the quality and originality of the work. Likewise, we have read the submission guidelines and understood the legal and ethical requirements mentioned in the GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF WORKS. In addition to:

  1. The data contained is exact and all the facts declared come from observations or investigations carried out by the authors.
  2. All the nominees in the work as authors have participated in a relevant way in the design, execution and analysis and are responsible for the published work.
  3. The work does not present competition problems in the results or conclusions drawn.
  4. The submitted work has never been published in whole or in part, in the language presented or in any other language, and it is not submitted to another journal.
  5. The authors guarantee that they did not violate laws, ethical, national or international standards in the preparation of the research and the article.

Attached to this message you will find the files of the work prepared according to the guidelines for submitting work to the Journal ....

The work was carried out by the following authors:

 Author 1 + email @ com, what did I do .... see classification Credit

Author 2 + email @ com, what did I do…. See classification Credit

Author 3 + email @ com, what did I do ... see classification Credit

[Second part: Presentation of the work Why should we accept the work? Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed.  You can proposal reviewers for you work- optional - Example:]

In this work the potential of…. and the effects of…. in an area of ​​... ... .. An experimental design ... shows evidence of the relationship between these species .... Our results demonstrate the effect of… but also highlight the potential… beneficial effects to the ecosystem….

[Third part: End of the letter]
