analysis of archaeobotanical material from the site of Pampa animas valley Huaura, Peru, season 2006


  • Pieter Dennis Van Dalen Luna Departamento Académico de Arqueología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima -Perú.
  • Alfredo José Altamirano Enciso Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
  • Jesús Huamán Cabanillas Municipalidad Distrital de Santa María
  • Jesús Huamán Cabanillas Municipalidad Distrital de Santa María



Archaeobotany, Andean diet, Huaura Valley, Chancay culture, archaeology.


It has been realized an archaeobotanic analysis of Pampa de Animas site, Huaura valley, Lima, from I and II sectors, using the comparative method and contrast of modern literature. The high density of remains of plants identified in several cultural levels at site show that diet of ancient human people of Huaura and Chancay Valleys had principally agricultural product, confirming that the agriculture was the economic base of these people, as: corn, bean, squash, gourd, achira, habas, and others. The same products cultivated during the Middle Horizon at Huaura Valley, would follow until de Spaniard invasion.

Author Biographies

  • Pieter Dennis Van Dalen Luna, Departamento Académico de Arqueología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima -Perú.
  • Alfredo José Altamirano Enciso, Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal
  • Jesús Huamán Cabanillas, Municipalidad Distrital de Santa María
  • Jesús Huamán Cabanillas, Municipalidad Distrital de Santa María






Artículos Originales

How to Cite

Van Dalen Luna, P. D., Altamirano Enciso, A. J., Huamán Cabanillas, J., & Huamán Cabanillas, J. (2013). analysis of archaeobotanical material from the site of Pampa animas valley Huaura, Peru, season 2006. Investigaciones Sociales, 17(31), 39-64.