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Author Guidelines

Focus and scope

Gestión en el Tercer Milenio is a scientific journal that publishes unpublished and original articles, in open access, which were subjected to a peer review process. The topics of interest are: management and business development, administrative business promotion, environmental management, public management and regional and local development, management and development of human potential, business development planning, administrative legal management, functional administration. It is a biannual magazine published in June and December.

Editing considerations

Sending the work to the Journal "Gestión en el Tercer Milenio" implies the consent of the authors to:

  • Peer review
  • Suggestions for the correction of the article
  • Edition and,
  • Consent of the publication of the work as it will be presented after the final proof.

The authors acknowledge that the Journal “Gestión en el Tercer Milenio” adheres to the policy of open access and free access to its content to make the research carried out at the local, national or international level freely available to the interested public. 

Likewise, all authors guarantee the quality and originality of the work by means of a cover letter; The letter will be considered an affidavit and must state that:

  1. They guarantee that they have read the submission guidelines and understand the legal and ethical requirements mentioned in the GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION OF PAPERS.
  2. They guarantee that all the data contained is accurate and all the facts declared come from observations or research carried out by the authors.
  3. They guarantee the authorship of all nominees in the work and their participation in a relevant way in the design, execution and analysis and are responsible for the published work.
  4. They guarantee that the work presented does not present competition problems in the results or conclusions drawn.
  5. They guarantee that the submitted manuscript has never been published in whole or in part, in the language presented or in any other language, and has not been submitted to another journal.
  6. The authors guarantee that they did not violate national or international laws or ethical and bioethical norms in the preparation of the article.
  7. This letter must be sent signed by each of the authors, by email.

Work submission

You must register (register) as an author with all the information requested in the journal in the following link

If you are registered in the portal you can "enter" and make the submission in the following link

Peer evaluation process

The articles published by the magazine “Gestión en el Tercer Milenio” are subjected to an evaluation process that includes:

  1. Evaluation of the journal's standards : it begins with the reception of papers. The works sent to the Magazine “Gestión en el Tercer Milenio” are evaluated in the first instance by the Editorial Team who will review the fulfillment of the guidelines for the presentation of the works, such as being associated with a line of research and others, in addition to review with anti-plagiarism software. Papers that do not meet some of the guidelines will be returned for the authors' correction, otherwise they will not be accepted.
  2. Peer review: The accepted papers will be subjected to an evaluation process by anonymous reviewers (peer review) who have experience in the field and knowledge on the subject of the article. The reviewer is asked to evaluate the work according to international quality standards and criteria for publication. The reviewers receive the standards and recommendations on ethics and good behavior that the Editorial Committee expects. Selected reviewers are not paid. The type of review is simple, that is, the reviewer remains anonymous, just as the author remains anonymous to the reviewer. </li >
  3. Evaluation: The referees or reviewers issue suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the article. The evaluation of the referees with a specific format and qualifies the work as:
  • Work for publication without changes
  • Work for publication with changes
  • Rejected work
  1. Acceptance and work in press. The work has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the peer review process and the author has made all the corrections and modifications indicated. The accepted work is sent to proofreading and layout.
  2. Conformity and permission for publication. When the director of the journal has all the documentation that will allow him to publish the work, then the work will be considered an ARTICLE FOR PUBLICATION. The Magazine "Gestión en el Tercer Milenio" provides proof of ARTICLE FOR PUBLICATION of those authors who request it.

Cover letter

The work will be accompanied by an email message addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, indicating having read these guidelines for the presentation of works, ensuring the originality, unpublished and complete nature of the work presented and its readiness for it to be reviewed and edited. This letter will have the character of a sworn statement as stipulated by the directives of the Vice-Rectorate for Research of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos regarding the authorship of published works.

Modifications in the names of authorship or well-founded misbehavior will be reason to stop the editing process.

Coordination will be carried out between the Editor-in-Chief and correspondence author.

Presentation of the works

The work files will be sent by the journal's OJS platform or to the email

Papers can be presented in English or Spanish.
Authors must ensure that mathematical equations are editable, not images.

The work must have three basic parts: (a) identification, (b) body and (c) cited literature.

The identification must contain :

  • Title (in English and Spanish), written in ups and downs, with a length of no more than 150 characters, including spaces.
  • Name and surname of the author or authors.
  • ORCID code of each author.
  • Email of each author.
  • Institutional affiliation of the authors . It refers to the institution or institutions that produced the research. In the case of proceeding from a thesis, the institution is the academic unit.
  • Mailing address of the author for correspondence (only).
  • Summary no more than 250 words (in English and Spanish),
  • Keywords : five (in English and Spanish).
  • Information on conflict of interest . The Journal “Gestión en el Tercer Milenio” requires that the authors declare all conflicts of interest in relation to their research. In the case of authors who do not have a conflict of interest, they must explicitly declare "The author (s) declare (s) that they have no conflict of interest." The Editor may request more information in this regard.
  • Funding source . The source of financing of the work must be indicated, and include the code or reference number of the financed project if that is the case.
  • Ethical and legal problems. The authors declare about permissions, informed consent and the non-violation of legal norms. In the case of authors who do not have a conflict of interest, they must explicitly declare "The author (s) declare (s) that they have not incurred in the violation of ethical or legal aspects". The Editor may request more information in this regard.

The body of the work . It will vary according to the section of the Journal:

  1. Primary Articles. They are primary, unpublished articles that present the results of complete and final research works, and that constitute contributions to knowledge. Descriptions of new species are also included here, which comply with the Standards and characteristics of the information in the works (see below). The body is organized into: Introduction, Methods, Results and discussion (Results, Discussion), and Conclusions. It should cover an average text of 15 pages, the illustrations (Tables and Figures) should be only those necessary for a better presentation of the results.
    • The introduction: provides context and enables non-field readers to understand the purpose and importance of the study. Define the problem addressed and why it is important. It presents the most relevant literature on the problem. Point out relevant controversies or disagreements on the subject. Conclude with a statement of the general objective of the work and a comment of the results and conclusion.
    • Methods: You should provide enough detail to allow other researchers to fully replicate your study. The protocols of the new methods should be included in detail. If the materials, methods and protocols are well established, the authors may cite articles in which those protocols are described in detail, but the presentation should include sufficient information to be understood independent of these references. Detailed protocols for new or not well known methods can be included in Appendices as supporting information. In the pertinent cases, the works with collections must declare the permits of the corresponding authorities.
    • Results and Discussion: This section can be presented as two separate sections, ie one on Results and one on Discussion. In general this section can be divided into more specific subsections, as appropriate. The language must be clear and concise. In general, these sections should describe the results of the experiments, the interpretation of these results, and the conclusions that can be drawn. Authors should explain how the results refer to the hypothesis presented as the basis of the study and provide a succinct explanation of the implications of the results, and in particular establish the relationship to related previous studies and possible future directions for research. / li>
    • Conclusions: very briefly present the main findings and proposals that were the product of the study. Use bullets if you have multiple conclusions. Avoid personal conclusions and opinions that are not supported by the data presented. The suggestion to continue researching the topic is not a conclusion.
  2. Review Articles. These are primary, original and unpublished articles, the product of analysis and reflection, reflecting a position to be developed using different arguments. They should not exceed 10 pages.
    • The introduction: brief overview of the subject. It provides context and enables non-field readers to understand the purpose and importance of the study.
    • Objective of the article: simple and direct expression; explain the article.
    • Argumentation: presentation of theoretical elements and reflections that support the article.
    • Conclusions: briefly explain / coherence with the article and objectives.

In-text citations
In-text citations must include the author's last name and year.
Examples: ... (Carrillo, 1988) or «... according to Sánchez (1976) ...» When two authors are cited in the text, the conjunction "and" is used: ... the nitrogen concentration was measured according to Rios and Castro (1998) ...
When they are cited in parentheses, the symbol “&” is used:… nitrogen was measured by the colorimetric method (Rios & Castro, 1998)… Citation of various references in parentheses, are separated by commas, in sequence of importance:… diversity of species is considered high (Simoniz 1968, Perez 2012, Aquino 1988).
If there are several works by an author in the same year, it will be cited with a sequential letter attached to the year, example: ... Castro (1952a) ... (Rojas 2000a, 2003c).
Institutional authors (FAO, MINAM, etc.) are cited with their initials or initials and dates (for example: FAO 2009, MINAM 2012), in the references these initials will be placed and the meaning in parentheses.
Citations of laws and regulations: they are cited indicating their category and number. For example: "as indicated in Law No. 26821 ..." When there are more than two authors, the first author will be cited and "et al." without italics: (e.g. Smith et al. 1981) or “… according to Smith et al. (1981)".
Direct or literal quotations must be made between quotation marks within the text when there are less than 40 words, languages ​​other than the text in italics, indicate the page of the extract:… instead Robert Francis describes it wrongly “with very little hinted radial ribs crossed by concentric grooves very fine growth which gives it a smooth appearance ”(Francis 1971, p: 234). Direct or literal citations of more than 40 words, must be separated from the text in an indented paragraph.

Reference style: for references, the Journal “Gestión en el Tercer Milenio” uses the APA (American Psychological Association) 2020 style. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, with the author-year system.
It will include all the references cited in the text arranged only in alphabetical order and without numbering. The citation begins with the last name of the first author below, without a comma, the initials of the first name separated with periods and without a space. The second and third author must have the initials of the names and then the last name. The last author will be differentiated by the & symbol preceding it. If there are more than three authors, they can be indicated with the abbreviation et al. The names of the periodicals (magazines) can go in the official abbreviation considered according to their ISSN code. The DOI code must be placed at the end of the reference. In the cited literature, only normal typeface is used, not italics, not small caps.
The citations of articles in the press must include the volume, the year, the name of the journal and the respective DOI; otherwise they should be omitted.
Abstract citations of academic events (congresses and others) are accepted. Norms and characteristics of the information in the works.

Measurement units

  • The symbols of the units of the International System of Measurements must be used. If it is necessary to add measures in other systems, the corresponding abbreviations must be defined in the text.


  • Illustrations must be the creation of the authors, otherwise they must indicate origin and credits, they are nominated as Figures and Tables.
  • Figures (maps, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, graphs, photos, etc.) will be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals; in the same way the Tables.
  • The legends of the Figures and Tables must be presented after the text and be sufficiently explanatory, and with all the necessary information so that they can be understood.
  • Tables must be sent as Word or Excel tables.
  • Scanned photos and drawings must be saved in a TIFF file, original size 300 dpi.
  • Statistical graphics and diagrams must be sent in editable native format (file.xls, file.svg, file.eps), not as images (JPGE, TIFF, PNG). Maps can be submitted in SHP formats, or high resolution images.
  • You can send photos from digital cameras greater than 3 Mpixel in their output format. Other image files in TIFF, BMP, JPGE of high resolution and size, and vector figures in Ai, EPS.
  • Formats coming from software like R, in editable formats of PDF, EPS (Postscript).

Presentation of the files

The files must be submitted separately, that is:

  1. A file with the text and captions in MS-Word format.
  2. Another file for the tables in MS-Excel or as tables in MS-Word.
  3. Other files in native formats, not as images inserted or pasted into an MS-Word or Excel sheet.

Publication costs

The works published in the magazine "Gestión en el Tercer Milenio" do not have any charge for either edition or publication .

Editorial policies

  1. Data and information of the work. All the data and metadata that support or are a source of the information shown in the investigation, must be open access, that is to say, be deposited in an open access public repository, or provided as part of the manuscript to be published. Repositories must be trusted. They can be thematic or general repositories that accept multiple types of data in suitable formats, or they can be institutional repositories, as long as they provide persistent identifiers such as DOI as part of the metadata.
  2. Antiplagiarism policy. The magazine Gestión en el Tercer Milenio considers plagiarism as a fraud in the publication, and is defined as the appropriation of the ideas, processes, results or words of another person without giving the corresponding credit. Fraud and misconduct are also understood to be manufacturing (invention of data or results), and falsification (manipulation of research materials, equipment, processes to alter data or results, as well as the change or omission of data or results ). Gestión en el Tercer Milenio does not tolerate plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, which is why it establishes mechanisms to prevent and remedy it: (a) During the editorial process, Gestión en el Tercer Milenio magazine uses Turnitin software that allows them to be detected. (b) After its publication, if the magazine Gestión en el Tercer Milenio detects or is alerted and confirms cases of plagiarism, fraud or misconduct, it will proceed according to the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics ( COPE - being able to execute the retraction of the article. Likewise, Management in the Third Millennium follows international guidelines for the consideration of authorship, financing, acknowledgments and conflict of interest.
  3. Authorship and acknowledgments: all authors of a manuscript to be evaluated must agree with its presentation to the journal. Management in the Third Millennium adheres to the definition of author created by the International Committee of Medical Editors (ICMJE). According to ICMJE, authorship criteria must be based on 1) substantial contributions to the conception and design or acquisition of data or analysis and interpretation of data, 2) writing of the draft of the article or critical review of its important intellectual content, 3) approval of the version to be published and 4) I agree to be responsible for all aspects.
  4. Conflict of interest and funding sources: the authors must declare the origin of any financial aid received. There is a conflict of interest when the author (and / or co-authors) had or has financial or personal relationships that may have biased or improperly influence her actions. In this case, they should be indicated when the relationship (direct or indirect) is in reference to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. Potential sources of conflicts of interest can be: patent ownership, being a member of the board of directors of a company related to research, being a member of an advisory council or consulting committee of companies and the receipt of fees from a company involved in the study. The existence of a conflict of interest does not prevent the publication of the article in the Journal. All authors of the work must complete the Affidavit requested by the journal that includes this aspect and include it in the cover letter of the manuscript. The declaration of conflicts of interest should be written in a paragraph at the level of the first page.
  5. Permissions: the authors are responsible for obtaining permission to partially reproduce the material (text, tables or figures) from other publications. These permissions must be requested from both the author and the Editorial that has published said material and the institution that has funded the research and must be attached in the submission of the manuscript. Additionally, the authors must include a declaration that the content of the article is original and that it has not been previously published, nor has it been sent or submitted for consideration to any other publication, either in whole or in part. Failure to disclose this information constitutes a serious breach of scientific ethics. The information presented within the manuscripts must have originality, the journal reserves the right to reject manuscripts when paragraphs and / or plagiarized information are found without the consent of another author and / or institution.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The work has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal and is in the process of being edited (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF format, and the structure is according to the following submission guidelines.
  • The work submitted has been read and approved by all the authors, who agree on the representation of the corresponding author.
  • All authors have read and agree with the editorial policies of Gestión en el Tercer Milenio.
  • The citations, the titles of figures and tables, as well as their legends and notes, have been written according to the APA style and the present norms of the journal.
  • The ORCID codes of each of the authors are indicated, the name of the author to whom information may be sent (corresponding author) is provided, statements are sent of: Affidavit of the authors, Conflict of interests and Funding sources.
  • All citations have their references and these are in APA version 7 style. All references must have the DOI code (for journal articles, books, or book chapters), or persistent identifiers such as the Handle (for the thesis).



Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or other person.