Emotional intelligence and compulsive buying in students of the Federico Villarreal National University, Lima 2020





Emotional intelligence, compulsive shopping, students


The purpose of this article was to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and compulsive shopping. The Meta-humor trait scale (TMMS-24), adapted by Fernández Berrocal, Extremera and Ramos, and the Compulsion Purchase survey by Valence, Fortier and Astous, were administered to 97 undergraduate Psychological Sciences students from a national college in Lima (32 men and 65 women), between 19 and 34 years old. A negative and significant correlation was obtained between both variables (r = -.301, p <.1). No statistically significant differences were found according to gender for emotional intelligence; however, differences were found in terms of compulsive shopping, with a slight tendency towards women, with a frequency of 29, compared to men of 8. The descriptive results for the indices regarding emotional intelligence showed a higher incidence in the category of "adequate" with a percentage of 74.2%, "excellent" 13.4% and "needs improvement" 12.4% respectively; for the levels of compulsive buying, there is a higher percentage for the category of "Non-compulsive" with 61.9% and "compulsive" with 38.1%. It is concluded that the higher the emotion perception indices, the lower the level of compulsive buying.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence; compulsive shopping; students.







How to Cite

Emotional intelligence and compulsive buying in students of the Federico Villarreal National University, Lima 2020. (2022). Gestión En El Tercer Milenio, 25(50), 15-23. https://doi.org/10.15381/gtm.v25i50.21354