An indispensable association: managerial leadership and management results in the Education Sector of the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes


  • Gloria María Delgado Vera Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica - Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, Ica, Peru



Managerial leadership, Management, Results, Changing scenarios


In the business context, it is common to assume that leadership is effective when the expected results are achieved. Of course, not all scenarios are equal. In more complex situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, good results are even more outstanding. For this reason, it is relevant to stimulate academic discussion on the association between action and achievement. This paper examines this issue in the case of the Directorate for Interventions in the Education Sector (DISE by its Spanish initials) from the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC by its Spanish initials). The objective is to estimate the relationship between managerial leadership and management results. This study was quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental. This made it possible to administer a previously validated questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha = 0.924) and to compare it against the official reports of management results from 2021 (the indicators are given on a scale of five). Through the Spearman's rho correlation coefficient = 0.897 (89.7%) with a p-value = 0 < 0.05, it was concluded that there is a highly significant direct relationship between managerial leadership and management results. However, to generalize this case as a measurement applicable to similar public institutions, it is necessary to study the variables under mixed methods.






How to Cite

An indispensable association: managerial leadership and management results in the Education Sector of the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes. (2023). Gestión En El Tercer Milenio, 26(52), 87-108.