The analytical process, considering aritmomorphic, adduction and complexity. The significance of the theoretical research on economic science: Reflections on Georgescu-Roegen's contribution


  • Juan Manuel Eliud Cisneros García Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú.



Process, adduction, complexity, aritmomorphic, economic science, research.


The notion of analytical process is essential to understand the task of theoretical research in Economic Science, because it is explicable only those items that can be expressed as a process. The explanation for a set of social facts related to any economic activity only can be performed with a theory, which arises considering an analytical process. The complexity of social reality must be simplified by abstraction, this requires to recognize two fundamental notions: the aritmomorphic and the adduction. The issues raised in this paper are based on the epistemological proposal developed by Georgescu-Roegen.

Author Biography

  • Juan Manuel Eliud Cisneros García, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú.
    Profesor Auxiliar del Departamento de Economía de la UNMSM. B. Sc. Economía, UNMSM. Maestría en Economía (c), Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Maestría en Economía con mención en Desarrollo Empresarial y Regional (c), UNMSM. Maestría en Sociología con mención en Educación y Desarrollo (c),UNMSM. Investigador asociado al Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas (IEE). Investigador asociado al Instituto de Estudios Sociales del Rímac (IESR).







How to Cite

The analytical process, considering aritmomorphic, adduction and complexity. The significance of the theoretical research on economic science: Reflections on Georgescu-Roegen’s contribution. (2015). Pensamiento Crítico, 20(1), 043-063.