Joaquín Capelo: Special Commissioner of the Supreme Government and Prefect of the Department of Loreto (1899-1900)


  • Ana Esther Laya Alcedo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Joaquín Capelo, territory, nationalization, policy, modernization


This paper seeks to analyze the state work in pursuit of the development of infrastructure, promotion of economic and social activities in Loreto between 1899 and 1900, at a crucial period in our history: the Aris-tocratic Republic. In order to study this type of material and social modernization we concentrate on the figure and management of Joaquín Capelo, Special Commissioner of the Supreme Government of Eduardo López de Romaña and Prefect in the Department of Loreto as someone who represents the rise of a new type of official and a new form of public administration and management. This article is addressed from political history, because it describes and analyzes state policies within the modernizing projects addressed to Loreto.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Esther Laya Alcedo, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Bachiller en Historia por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Investigadora independiente. Ha participado en los proyectos de Ciudadanía Activa de la Escuela de Historia en 2014 y del Museo Cementerio Presbítero Matías Maestro en 2015. Ha desarrollado labores de archivo en el Ministerio de Transportes en 2014 y Comunicaciones, el Banco Central de Reserva en 2016 y en la Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú. Su tema de tesis es Joaquín Capelo: impulsor de la modernización en la Amazonía nor-oriental a fines del siglo XIX e inicios XX






Territorio, sociedad, historia y cultura en la Amazonia

How to Cite

Laya Alcedo, A. E. (2020). Joaquín Capelo: Special Commissioner of the Supreme Government and Prefect of the Department of Loreto (1899-1900). ISHRA, Revista Del Instituto Seminario De Historia Rural Andina, 4, 23-34.