International Theater Festival in Open Streets (Fiteca): Construction of alternative economic forms and configuration of territorial identity from the theater




FITECA, theatrical cultural-artistic processes, territorial identity, local actors, alternative economic forms, social economy


The present study aims to answer if the cultural-artistic theatrical processes developed, from Fiteca, constitute alternative economic forms that configure a territorial identity in La Balanza. For the purposes of this, an approach is made that includes the trajectory or historical memory of the experience of the Fiteca community, the analysis of its structure and internal organization, the external relations that it weaves with external agents and actors, as well as its relationship with the territory; and its future prospects. For this, semi-structured interviews were used through which dialogue with the members and collaborators of the organization was used in order to reveal the dynamics developed within Fiteca. Thus, it was possible to discern that the artistic-cultural practices and the dynamics developed around them by the Fiteca community are based on forms of cooperative and voluntary work as fundamental pillars of production and reproduction of their dynamics that, over the years, They have configured a territorial identity in the inhabitants of La Balanza. Likewise, its internal organization has a democratic foundation insofar as it collects the opinions and concerns of all its members and participants through general assemblies, where each one has a voice and vote. In addition, there is a division of labor through the organization of working groups or commissions for each area. Finally, the events and activities that the community develops are open to the general public and at no cost. Based on the characteristics described, Fiteca shares logic with alternative economic forms such as the social economy.


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Author Biography

  • Thalia Jara Mogollón, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    8th cycle student at the Professional School of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Born on January 2, 1997 in the Pontó district, Huari province, Ancash region. From Ancash parents, in 2013, he migrated to the city of Lima to finish his secondary studies and pursue a university degree; And in 2016, he entered the University of San Marcos through a general admission exam.







How to Cite

Jara Mogollón, T., Venturo Gómez, E. de F., Chincha Rodríguez, C. M., Pineda Torres, J. M., & Villanueva Soto, A. M. (2021). International Theater Festival in Open Streets (Fiteca): Construction of alternative economic forms and configuration of territorial identity from the theater. ISHRA, Revista Del Instituto Seminario De Historia Rural Andina, 7, 83-101.