Native language maintenance among bilingual immigrants in Lima: linguistic and ethnic loyalty in two urban-marginal communities


  • Félix Quesada Castillo Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



positive attitude, language maintenance, language loyalty, language identity


This article reports the results of a searching on the sociolinguistic phenomenon of native language maintenance (Fishman, 1965 and 1968) in a special situation of urban bilingualism. The aforementioned effect is given as maintenance of loyalty to the vernacular and maternal ancestral ethnic loyalty. The research universe is made up of bilingual of Gosen City (Villa María del Triunfo) and Pamplona Alta (San Juan de Miraflores), communities made up ofbilingual Quichua-Castilian, Aymara­castilian and monolingual Castilian. The study of native language maintenance in a singular situation gives us an adequate empirical knowledge ofthe phenomena that are generated in the vernacular language contact and Castilian as the language of the dominant culture. Furthermore, the result ofthis investigation will aids the sociolinguistic basis for the development and implementation of language and education policies for the benefit of those communities. In this regard, research is not restricted to the discussion of theoretical aspccts of sociolinguistics, but also has implications for language policy in order to form an inclusive and equitable society. 

Author Biography

  • Félix Quesada Castillo, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru


    Lingüística por la Universidad Estatal de Buffalo, Nueva York, USA, Doctor en Letras (en Lingüística y Filología) en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos -UNMSM, Perú. Antropología en la UNMSM. Profesor Principal del Departamento Académico de Lingüística. Doctor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Investigador del Centro de Investigaciones en Lingüística Aplicada (CILA).






Articles originals

How to Cite

Quesada Castillo, F. (2011). Native language maintenance among bilingual immigrants in Lima: linguistic and ethnic loyalty in two urban-marginal communities. Lengua Y Sociedad, 11(1), 23-35.