Phraseological Units in Limeño Spanish: Linguistic Research and Inventory for the Teaching of the Language


  • Rómulo F. Quintanilla Anglas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru
  • Manuel E. Conde Marcos Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Phraseology, phraseological unit, collocation, a catch-phrase, paremia, phraseological dictionary


In this paper, the results of an investigation carried out in 2017 in the city of Lima on so-called phraseological units (PU) are presented, a topic inside of the field of study of Phraseology, which is little explored in our country.

The study is presented in two clearly differentiated parts: in the first part, the structure, the syntactic function and the semantic contents of the registered phraseological units are described, that is, they are linguistically analyzed as part of a system, considering its components. The second part is a presentation of an alphabetically organized list of phraseological units (PU) used in the city of Lima, which forms the basis of a future phraseological dictionary of this region. Additionally, some guidelines for the use of this list of UUFF in the teaching of the Spanish language are presented.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Quintanilla Anglas, R. F., & Conde Marcos, M. E. (2018). Phraseological Units in Limeño Spanish: Linguistic Research and Inventory for the Teaching of the Language. Lengua Y Sociedad, 17(1), 99-118.