Reduplication in the Jacaru language. Interaction of phonology and morphology


  • Emérita Escobar Zapata Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru



Phenomenon of reduplication, morphophonemic, lexical base, morphological and phonological interaction


The phenomenon of reduplication occurs in different languages in the world and we can see that is the total or partial reproduction of elements that have a lexical basis. This research aims, first, to explain this phenomenon in the Aymara language or central Jaqaru language, which apparently is a complex process, specifying the patterns used in each case. Second, explain has is given explicit interaction between morphological and phonological in (FR). Third, to do a quick comparison or registration of such lexical creations, both in the highland Aymara and the Quechua. Finally, to infer the production or handling of a set of rules for their occurrence .

Author Biography

  • Emérita Escobar Zapata, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru


    Doctora en Lingüística por la UNMSM, profesora principal del Dpto. de Ciencias Humanas en la UNALM y de la EAP-Lingüística en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Es investigadora de las lenguas andinas. Ha sido Directora del Dpto. de Ciencias Humanas (2016-2018), igualmente, fue Directora de la Unidad de Proyección Social y Extensión Universitaria de la FEP-UNALM. Es miembro del Centro de Investigación y Lingüística Aplicada (CILA) y de la Cátedra Quechua de la UNMSM.






Articles originals

How to Cite

Escobar Zapata, E. (2013). Reduplication in the Jacaru language. Interaction of phonology and morphology. Lengua Y Sociedad, 13(1), 41-53.