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Author Guidelines

Last updated on February 15, 2023

Presentation of a manuscript

To start the review of a manuscript, the corresponding author must send the following documents to the journal (four files):

  1. Authors affidavit (download format)
  2. Identification Page (download template)
  3. Manuscript (body of work and bibliographical references). Download template: original article, review article, clinical case.

These files will have to be sent through the journal's OJS platform.

Language: Articles are received and published in Spanish and English. Manuscripts in English written by native authors of that language will be received, in case of other authors, they must present a certificate translation by an accredited person or institution.

Abbreviations, symbols and nomenclature: Only use common abbreviations in the field of Medicine and Dentistry and avoid using abbreviations in the title. The first time an abbreviation appears must be preceded by the full term to which it refers, except common measurement units, expressed by the International System of Units. Chemical, physical, biological and clinical units must always be strictly defined. Units must have a single space between the number and unit.

General considerations: All manuscripts should be written in Arial font at 11 points, with double spacing, paper size A4, margins 2.5 cm and all pages must be listed in the lower right corner. The citations will be made with superscripts before the ending point of the paragraph or sentence quoted. To make the authors citation use the superscript after the surname used: e.g., Torres 8 mentions ...; in cases of multiple authors use the term “et al”.: for example, Torres et al. 8 mentions ... When the citation is performed at the end of a sentence the superscript is placed before the ending point of the sentence; for example: dental caries is a multifactorial disease 8.

It is recommended to review the international consensus for specific types of scientific papers as the STROBE guidelines for observational studies; CONSORT for clinical trials; STARD for studies of diagnostic tests; PRISMA for meta-analysis; CARE for case reports, etc. You can find these guidelines and useful information for the presentation of your article on the website of EQUATOR (

The work should have three basic parts: (a) identification, (b) body and (c) bibliographic references.

(A) Identification must contain: Title (in Spanish and English), written in high and low, with a length of no more than 150 characters, including spaces. Name and surname of the author or authors. Institutional affiliation of the authors, including the city and country; maximum degree or academic degree obtained by each author, email and ORCID number of each author, and indicate the address of the corresponding author. This page must be submitted in a separate file from the rest of the manuscript.

(B) Body: This will vary depending on the section of the journal.

Table 1 shows the characteristics and maximal length of the different components of the article sections. The maximum length for the content of the manuscript does not include abstract nor bibliography.

Table 1. Characteristics and maximum length of abstract, content, tables and figures according to the journal section

Content ‡
Tables y
Body of the editorial /
References §
Original articles||
Introduction / Materials and Methods /
Results / Discussion / Conclusions /
Clinical cases
Do not
Introduction / Case report /
Discussion / Conclusions/ References
Review articles
Do not
Introduction / Materials and Methods /
Literature review / Discussion /
Conclusions / References
Special Articles
Do not
Introduction / Body from the article /
Conclusions / References
Do not
Introduction / Body of the interview / References 
Letters to the editor
Comment Body /

* Structure: abstract with subtitles
† Recommended range for the number of keywords
‡ Does not include abstract or bibliographical references
§ Bibliographic references
|| Systematic reviews are considered within the section of original articles

  1. Editorials. Articles on aspects of the journal's policy, current issues and research in dental sciences at a national and international level. They are presented at the request of the Director of the Journal. They can contain up to ten references. The maximum number of authors will be three.
  2. Original articles. Research papers that have not been published in other research journals, and that are written in such a way that the author's peers can, based on the indications of the text, reproduce the experiments and obtain similar results, as well as verify the accuracy of the analyzes used to reach the conclusions emanated in the document. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are included within this section.

    Abstract: This section will have a maximum length of 250 words and must be structured in objective, methods, results and conclusions. At the end of the abstract, between 3 to 5 keywords in Spanish and English considered in the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) of BIREME should be included ( and in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of IndexMedicus/Medline (

    Introduction: Brief statement of the current state of the problem, background, justification and objective of the study. Only those strictly necessary references will be cited.

    Methods: It must include the type and design of the research, describe the study population, the selection of the sample, the methods, apparatus and procedures with sufficient details so that other researchers can reproduce the study, including program codes and other materials that were used. If the methods are already published, the reference and a summary of the methods will be included. The ethical principles followed and the statistical analysis performed should be indicated.

    Results: Results must be concise and clear and include the necessary minimum number of tables and figures. They will be presented in such a way that there is no duplication and repetition of data in the text and in the figures or tables.

    Discussion: The following content can be followed: importance of the research carried out, strengths and limitations of the findings, contrast of the evidence with other studies, implications of the results and conclusions based exclusively on what the results indicate.
    The repository links, where the research data will be deposited, must be cited at the end of the manuscript, after the discussion (See open access policy).  

  1. Case reports. They consist of the description of one or more clinical cases of special interest, as well as new surgical techniques or variants of that, analysis of results obtained with a certain technique or in the treatment of an infrequent or complex pathology. The maximum number of signing authors will be five. The summary and its translation will have a length of no more than 200 words with two to five keywords. The summary will be unstructured, and must contain: objective, description of the case, clinical evolution and conclusions. A maximum of 8 tables and/or figures. The graphics should facilitate the understanding of the case to be reported. The main text of the clinical reports must be organized in: Introduction, Case report (it must include the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and results), Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographical references. 
  1. Review articles. They are narrative reviews. They present the results of a completed investigation where the results of published or unpublished investigations, in science and/or technology, are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for advances and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of a specific topic. They must have a maximum of 15 pages, up to five tables and/or figures may be presented to facilitate understanding of the text. An unstructured summary of no more than 250 words will be presented, which will include: introduction, relevant aspects and conclusions. The minimum number of bibliographical references is 30. At least 70% of the bibliography must be current (last 5 years). The main review articles content should be organized as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Review of current literature, Discussion, Conclusions and Bibliographic references.
  1. Special articles. These are articles that include discussion or presentation of topics of interest to the scientific community. The body of the article can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the article, Conclusions and bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.
  1. Interviews. They are articles that are presented at the request of the Director of the journal, they include interviews with experts on a certain topic. The interview can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the interview and Bibliographic references. 
  1. Letters to the Editor. Objections or comments related to articles published in the last two issues of the journal, topics or matters of professional interest, as well as observations, research or experiences written briefly will be published. Up to three authors are accepted. Those letters that deal with articles previously published in the journal will have the right to reply by the author, who may reply in a letter of similar length within a month. The relevance of the publication of the response will be assessed by the Editorial Committee. A table and/or figure, and up to ten bibliographical references may be included. The main text of a letter to the editor consists of: Body of the comment and Bibliographic references. 

(C) Bibliographic references. Only those citations that are considered important and have been read by the authors will be included. The bibliography will be presented according to the order of appearance in the text with the corresponding correlative numbering. The Vancouver format will be used in accordance with the standards of the "Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in biomedical journals" prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, available at: Journal names should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus/Medline (see “List of Journals Indexed”, included each year in the January issue of Index Medicus/Medline ( At the end of each reference, the DOI code, if any, will be mentioned.

Here are examples of the most common bibliographic citation formats:

  1. Scientific journal article with up to six authors: Crinzi RA, Rossi PP. Bilateral dentigerous cysts of the mandible. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1982;54(3):367-75. DOI: 10.1016/0030-4220(82)90112-8.
  2. Scientific journal article with more than six authors: Rueda-Quijano SM, Amador-Ariza MA, Arboleda AM, Otero J, Cohen D, Camacho PA, et al. Concordance in the assessment of pubertal development using the Tanner scale between adolescents and a trained physician. Rev Peru Med Exp Public Health. 2019;36(3):408-13. DOI: 10.17843/rpmsp.2016.332.2196.
  3. Online Article journal: Salisch NC, Vujadinovic M, van der Helm E, Spek D, Vorthoren L, Serroyen J, et al. Antigen capsid-display on human adenovirus 35 via pIX fusion is a potent vaccine platform. PLoS One [Internet]. 2017 [cited March 15,2017]; 12(3):e0174728. Available in:
  4. Books and monographs: Villanueva R. Right to health, gender perspective and multiculturalism. 1st ed. Lima: Palestra Publishers; 2009.
  5. Chapter or part of a book: Bello J, García-Jalón I, Candela I. Collective restoration. In: Martinez J, Astiasaran I, Madrigal H, editors. Food and Public Health. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, Interamerican; 2001. p. 102-112.
  6. Scientific or technical report: World Health Organization. Evaluation of residues of some veterinary drugs in food Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Geneva: WHO; 2006. Technical Report Series: 939.
  1. Theses and/or scientific dissertations: Guzman VY. Severity of gingivitis associated with adolescent pregnancy[bachelor's thesis].[Lime]:Faculty of Dentistry, National University of San Marcos; 2005. 85 p.
  2. Proceedings of congresses, conferences, seminars, symposiums, scientific meetings, etc: II Conference on History: Peru-Ecuador, a shared space. Piura; November 25-27, 1999. Piura: University of Piura; 1999.
  1. Websites, blogs or online inquiries: Ospina P. The newspaper as a teaching strategy. University of Antioquia. [Accessed September 23, 2017]. Accessible at:

For the writing of direct and indirect citations, superscripts will be used, leaving a space between the last letter and the numeral (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Examples of direct and indirect citations and wording of the expression “et al”.


References to a dataset

We invite you to reference the data sets that you have used and consider relevant to your article. You must include the citation in the text, as well as in the list of bibliographical references, at the end of the article. Dataset references consist of the following elements: author(s) name(s), dataset name, repository name, version (if applicable), year, and permanent global identifier. Add the [dataset] tag just before the reference, so we can identify it as a data reference. This tag will not appear in the published version of the article.

Tables and Figures

a) Tables: they will be indicated in the text consecutively with Arabic numerals (for example, Table 1). They must be without vertical lines, and will include: (a) corresponding title at the top; (b) at the bottom of each table the abbreviations used will be described. They will try to be clear and without rectifications. They should complement, not duplicate the text.

b) Figures: they can be photographs, diagrams or graphs. They will be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (for example, Figure 1). In the event that a figure is made up of more than one image, these will be identified in the text with the number and a capital letter (for example, Figure 1A, Figure 1B). Thousands must be separated by a space (1000). Unusual units or abbreviations must be defined in the legend.

Figures must be in bmp, JPEG or TIFF format, minimum 300 dots per inch (dpi). Word and MS PowerPoint graphics are not recommended for printed images.

Images must be submitted in an editable format.

Permissions: If all or part of the published illustrations are used, you must obtain copyright permission from the owner and the publisher that has published that material. It is the author's responsibility to obtain these in writing and to provide copies to publishers.

If photographs or patient data are reproduced, these should not be identifying the subject. In all cases, the authors must have obtained the informed consent/assent of the patient authorizing their publication.

Tables and/or figures should be placed at the end of the document, after the bibliographical references.

Contributing role taxonomy

Odontología Sanmarquina uses the CRediT taxonomy to point out the roles of those who contributed to scientific production. The roles given in this taxonomy include, but are not limited to, traditional authorship roles. The roles are not intended to define what constitutes authorship, but rather to capture all the work that goes into producing scholarly publications.

Publication consent

Once the work is approved, the corresponding author will receive a proof of the work in PDF format, which must be carefully reviewed and consulted with the other authors. Once editing errors have been resolved, the corresponding author will send a letter or email confirming that the work was reviewed by all the authors and they are in agreement, and explicitly mentioning their consent for the publication of the article on Odontología Sanmarquina Journal. This is a requirement for the article publication. The entire review process of a manuscript submitted to Odontología Sanmarquina is outlined in Figure 2.


Figure 2. Flowchart of the editorial process

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The work is written in a Microsoft Word file, without passwords or impediments for a transparent reading and review.
  • The article text , the citations, the titles of figures and tables, as well as their legends and notes, have been written according to Odontologia Sanmarquina standards, and Vancouver reference styles.
  • The submitted work has been read and approved by all the authors, who agree on the representation of the corresponding author.
  • The bibliographic references are in Vancouver style and present DOI or a persistent identifier (eg: in the case of thesis URI or Handle).
  • All authors have read and agree to the editorial policies mentioned in these guidelines for submitting papers to Odontología Sanmarquina.
  • The work has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor).
  • The ORCID codes of each of the authors are indicated, the name of the author to whom information may be sent (corresponding author) is provided, declarations of: Authors' affidavit, Conflict of interest and Funding sources are sent.


Research papers that have not been published in other research journals, which are written in such a way that even the author´s peers can, based on the indications of the text, reproduce the experiments and obtain similar results and verify the accuracy of the analyzes used to reach the conclusions of the document. The maximum length for these articles is 15 pages and 10 tables and/or figures. The main text of the original articles must be organized as follows: Abstract in Spanish and English, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliographic references.

Clinical Cases

Consist on the description of one or more clinical cases of special interest, and also new surgical techniques or variants of them, analysis of results obtained with a particular technique or treatment of a rare or complex pathology. The maximum number of signing authors will be five. The abstract and its translation should have no more than 200 words with two to five keywords. The abstract will be unstructured and should contain: objective, description of the case, clinical outcome and conclusions. A maximum of 15 tables and/or figures are permitted. Graphics should facilitate the understanding of the case report. The main body of clinical reports should be organized as follows: Introduction, Case report (must include the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and results) Discussion and Bibliographic references.


Present the results of a finished research and analyzes, systematizes and integrates research results published or unpublished, in science and/or technology, in order to report the progress and development trends. It is characterized by presenting a carefully elaborated bibliographic review of a specific topic. It must have a maximum of 15 pages, and it may be submitted up to five tables and/or figures to facilitate the understanding of the text. An unstructured abstract with no more than 250 words that features introduction, relevant aspects and conclusions should be presented. The minimum number of references is 30. The main content of the review articles should be organized as follows: Introduction, Review of current literature, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The structure of the systematic reviews should follow that of the original articles and up to 10 tables and / or figures.

Historical review

Document summarizing the historical information related to national and/or international dentistry, including biographical notes of characters who have made an outstanding contribution to this field. Also, documents related to the evolution and development of technologies and innovations related to dental research subjects can be found in this section. The text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Body of Review, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.

Scientific Note

These articles include the discussion or display of topics of interest to the scientific community. The body of the note can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the note, Conclusions and Bibliographic references. The maximum number of authors allowed is three.


These articles are submitted at the request of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, include interviews with experts on a particular subject. The interview can be organized as: Introduction, Body of the interview and Bibliographic references.

Letters to the Editor

Objections or comments concerning published works in the last two issues of the journal, topics or matters of professional interest, as well as observations, research and/or experiences written briefly will be published. The maximum number of authors allowed is three. Those letters that relate to previously published articles in the journal will have the right to be replied by the author who can answer in a letter of similar extension within one month. The relevance of the publication of the reply will be evaluated by the Editorial Board. It may be included two tables and/or figures and up to ten references. The main text of a letter to the editor comprises: Comment Body and Bibliographic references.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.