Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) in a clinical sample


  • Dennys Vanessa Barreda Sánchez-Pachas Universidad Científica del Sur



Depression; inventory; psychometric properties; clinical sample


The objective of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the second edition of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), adapted in Argentina. For this purpose, a Peruvian sample of 400 people attended in an outpatient clinic of a specialized center in mental health in Lima, the age of the participants was between 17 and 71 years old. The results obtained show that the Cronbach coefficient of reliability was high (alfa= .93). It was observed that of a total of 21 items of IDB II, none was eliminated, thus leaving the total number of items for the final test. The content validity index was high, an Aiken V value of .99 was observed, obtaining 100% of valid items. The construct validity was evaluated through the analysis of main components, the initially proposed model of two somatic-affective and cognitive factors is not confirmed in the present investigation. The principal component analysis shows that the BDI-II measures a single general dimension of depression.

It is concluded that the BDI-II is a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating the magnitude of depression in the studied sample of clinical patients.

Author Biography

  • Dennys Vanessa Barreda Sánchez-Pachas, Universidad Científica del Sur

    Psicóloga, docente de la carrera de Medicina Humana Universidad Científica del Sur.







How to Cite

Barreda Sánchez-Pachas, D. V. (2019). Psychometric Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) in a clinical sample. Revista De Investigación En Psicología, 22(1), 39-52.