Validation of the individual job performance scale in Peruvian employees




Task performance, exploratory factor analysis, contextual performance, psychometric properties, counterproductive work performance


In Peru, the psychometric properties of the individual work performance scale have not been demonstrated. Therefore, there are instruments constructed by other authors based on theories different from the one proposed in this research, so it is necessary to have a tool to adequately measure the performance of the collaborators. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the individual work performance scale. A cross-sectional instrumental methodology was considered, with the participation of 424 participants. The validity based on the content was evidenced, as well as the evidence of validity based on the internal structure of the construct, using the AFC. Aiken's V with values >0.80, skewness and kurtosis values, and higher IHC >0.35 were found. Meanwhile, the AFC found adequate and significant goodness-of-fit indicators when the scale was reduced from 18 items to 14 items (χ²/df<2.91; CFI>0.95; TLI>0.94; SRMR<0.04 the RMSEA >0.06). It is concluded that the individual job performance scale has adequate psychometric properties and can be used with 14 items for the Peruvian version that validate the task, contextual and counterproductive performance factors.

Author Biography

  • Luis A. Geraldo Campos, Universidad Peruana Unión. Lima, Perú

    Licenciado en Administración: Mención en Gestión Empresarial por la Universidad Peruana Unión - UPeU. Máster en Dirección y Administración de Empresas por CEREM International Business School - España, Magister en Administración mención en Dirección de Recursos Humanos por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos - UNMSM y Segunda Especialidad en Estadística Aplicada para Investigación (UPeU). Es Docente en la Universidad Peruana Unión, Lima, donde brinda talleres de investigación, asesora, dictamina, desarrolla y publica artículos científicos.







How to Cite

Geraldo Campos, L. A. (2022). Validation of the individual job performance scale in Peruvian employees. Revista De Investigación En Psicología, 25(1), 63-81.