Educational Psychology of mathematics


  • Raúl González Moreyra Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú



teaching-learning, cognitive envelopment, strategy psychodidactic, mathematical concept, procedure of calculs. solution of problems


It was made a brief lo dale bibliographic revision to identify the state of psycho-pedagogic knowledge of mathematics leaching-learning. We found three defined thematics: the first about cognitive development of the mathematics concepts, the second about the process of calculating and solving of problems by the students and the third about the psycho-pedagogic strategies for school use. Respect the first theme we have reviewed two areas, early development (zero to 4-5 years) and operant development (post). We have considered the new findings in what is made on number in the pre-verbal child and maintained the piagetian ideas from the pre-conserving stages. About the second we have reviewed mistakes and precision on calculating, the abilities of accurate calculation and the function of memo,-y; also, aspects of problem solving as organization of knowledge of the cognitive process and the resolutory activity. In the third theme, which we divided in numerical psycho-didactics and conjunctivas, we have reviewed on one side the ideas of Thordnike, Gagné and Resnick and on the other from the Gestalt, Bruner y Dienes. The final balance is of a positive advance in knowledge and procedures about mathematics psycho-pedagogy.

Author Biography

  • Raúl González Moreyra, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
    Profesor emérito de la UNMSM.







How to Cite

González Moreyra, R. (1998). Educational Psychology of mathematics. Revista De Investigación En Psicología, 1(2), 9-40.