Manuscript evaluation

Manuscript evaluation process

All papers received are evaluated by the Editorial Committee, compliance with the guidelines of this regulation is evaluated. All works are subjected to anti-plagiarism software, the tolerance for textual coincidences is 10%, including recycled texts (self-plagiarism). This first evaluation lasts approximately two weeks.

The papers that pass the first evaluation are sent to external peers for a second evaluation, which will determine the quality of the content, its relevance and importance. The peer evaluation system is double-blind. If there is disagreement between the reviewers, a new pair will be assigned to evaluate the disagreements, make possible observations and issue a recommendation that can be: (a) Accepted for publication, (b) Acceptable to publish with minor observations (c) Acceptable to publish with major observations (d) Unacceptable to publish. This evaluation phase lasts between 6 to 10 weeks.

The authors of the manuscripts accepted for publication must comply with the delivery of the following documents: (a) a report confirming the inclusion of the suggestions made by the evaluators; (b) the final version of the article in Spanish; (c) the metadata of the authors (ORCID code, full names, contact details, academic training, H index, institution where they work, etc.).