The search for the missing and the processes of identification: an approach from forensic anthropology


  • María Inés Barreto R. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Forensic anthropology, human identification, identification systems, facial recostruction, skullphoto superimposition.


The forensic anthropology in Perú has a recent development, because of the investigations assumed around the Armed Conflict Internal 1980-2000. One of the main issues in such tasks is the search of the missing persons and the identification of the victims exhumed, many of them remaining unidentified. The document pretends to illustrate about each one of the methods used for identification and its application, as well as its validity and its acceptance inside the legal processes, emphasising on the need of use reliable systems, to assurance a minimum of confidence to all those who are involved. The text tries to be exhaustive regarding to the systems of the facial reconstruction and the skull/photo superimposition, due to the over estimation of its effectiveness as reliable identification methods, during a considerable time. In that sense, the article tries to explain how and why it is necessary to value each method from an objective perspective, trying to recognise clearly the contribution and role of the forensic anthropology, the osteopathological analysis, the dental records, and the genetics, in the identification of victims of the Armed Conflict Internal. It is necessary to have in consideration that only by counting with a considerable amount of elements, a reliable identification positive or negative- will be possible, accomplishing the searched legal, social, psychological and affective purposes.







How to Cite

The search for the missing and the processes of identification: an approach from forensic anthropology. (2007). Arqueología Y Sociedad, 18, 37-56.