Historical archeology in the Plazuela de San Francisco and the discovery of the first Church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad





middle Rímac valley, mud or adobon, Late Intermediate, architecture, sector or complex


The Master Plan of the Historic Center of Lima (CHL) includes the recovery of its public spaces. In this context, various historical archeology projects are being carried out in some of its most important squares.

The main objective was to identify the different processes of renovation of these spaces, with the premise that they functioned as an integrating axis of the urban fabric of downtown Lima as dynamic social spaces since their founding times. The squares studied from their palimpsests allow us to rethink their historical memory. From a multidisciplinary perspective, the future of the current San Francisco square was studied, from its origins at the dawn of the seventeenth century, to its current configuration as one of the most prominent and important public spaces of the CHL. The results of the historical archeology project “Plazuelas de Lima” (2019-2020) are presented.

Author Biography

  • Harry Pizarro Anaya, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru

    Es arqueólogo por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y con estudios de Maestría en Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, con 25 años de experiencia en distintos campos de la arqueología peruana, tanto en el sector público como en el privado. Ha participado en los siguientes proyectos arqueológicos: Huacoy, Huallamarca, Pacopampa, Huaca Pucllana, Omo Alto, Huaycán de Cieneguilla, Iglesia de San Lázaro, Garagay, PIA Las Bambas entre otros. Ha sido especialista en Paisaje del CIIRC del Museo Nacional de Chavín y director del Proyecto Plazuelas de Lima. En arqueología histórica tiene una publicación: "Hermandades y cofradías en la Iglesia del Señor san LÁ- ZARO, Lima. Siglos. XVI-XVIII: apuntes desde la arqueología colonial” (2017).







How to Cite

Historical archeology in the Plazuela de San Francisco and the discovery of the first Church of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad. (2021). Arqueología Y Sociedad, 34, 417-453. https://doi.org/10.15381/arqueolsoc.2021n34.e20635