Acuchimay: pre-hispanic settlement from the Warpa and Wari period in the Ayacucho basin




Acuchimay, Warpa, Wari, pre-hispanic, Ayacucho basin


Part of a research work that involves the archeology of the south-central Sierra of the Andean territory is presented, corresponding to the chronological framework of the Early Intermediate Period and the Middle Horizon. Acuchimay is one of the pre-Hispanic settlements adjacent to the archaeological site of Rudaqasa, located in the heart of the current city of Ayacucho, which keeps the testimony of an ancient occupation of the Warpa and Wari times, as well as other sites, located throughout the Huarpa river basin. The fundamental objective is to know and retrieve all the possible existing information to define the importance of the site during the Warpa and Wari times. The method used is descriptive and synthesized from the visit around Acuchimay and the cultural material recovered from the surface; likewise, it is complemented by some private collections existing in the properties of the modern population of the site. Based on the archaeological evidence, we reached a general vision about the characteristic of the site to understand what the sociocultural dynamics was in the ancient Ayacucho basin.

Author Biography

  • Héctor Carhuas Tenorio, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú

    Licenciado en Arqueología por la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga y candidato a magíster en Arqueología Andina por la universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Su línea de investigación está orientada en temas de Horizonte Medio y Horizonte Tardío, ha participado en diversos proyectos de investigaciones Arqueológicas y puesta en valor, destacando en las regiones de Ayacucho, Apurímac, Ica, Lima, Ancash, y Moquegua. Fue participe como ponente en eventos académicos de la Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, San Antonio de Abad del Cusco y San Luis Gonzaga de Ica. Asimismo, ha publicado diversos artículos académicos en revistas nacionales reconocidas y es autor del libro Arqueología Prehispánica y memoria histórica de la comunidad campesina San Martín de Yanapiruro e Ichubamba, Chiara-Ayacucho (2020).







How to Cite

Acuchimay: pre-hispanic settlement from the Warpa and Wari period in the Ayacucho basin. (2021). Arqueología Y Sociedad, 35, 53-68.