Cerro respiro and the inca administration in the Chillon lower valley





Late Horizon, Chillón, Elite Residence, Inca Trail, Administrative Control


This article is the result of investigations carried out at the Cerro Respiro site located on the right bank of the lower Chillón valley, very close to where the Chillón river flows. The works carried out on the site had as a corollary to give an explanation about its chronology and functionality of the site, directly related to the political-administrative organization from the buildings defined as elite residences and public spaces, whose architectural characteristics define it as such, where the excavated contexts and cultural evidences were defined to the Late Intermediate and Late Horizon period, which serve as support to the problem posed. The site is explained based on a comparative architectural analysis of three settlements that share elite residential buildings and would have performed the same function in the Chillón valley. This type of Inca facilities would have been the result of the conquest process directly, a strategy carried out by the Inca state, with the aim of controlling human, agricultural and natural resources from the elite palaces or residences located in strategic points of the valley under del Chillón, articulated to a network of roads of which there is still evidence.

Author Biography

  • Gil Ronal Ayala Castillo, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Lima, Perú

    Arqueólogo investigador de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, con estudios de maestría en Arqueología Andina en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, en la actualidad es docente en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, con interés de investigaciones sobre las construcciones públicas, la administración, el sistema vial y el manejo del territorio Inca. Ha realizado investigaciones en el sitio arqueológico Cerro Respiro. Es miembro asociado al Laboratorio de Arqueología de la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal.







How to Cite

Cerro respiro and the inca administration in the Chillon lower valley. (2021). Arqueología Y Sociedad, 35, 269-300. https://doi.org/10.15381/arqueolsoc.2021n35.e21587