Approach to the Study of Diathesis in Quechua: the Case of the Verbal Suffix -ku




grammatical diathesis, voice, Quechua, verbal suffix, ku suffix


In this article, I propose the existence of a grammatical diathesis subsystem of a derivative nature in Ayacucho Quechua. The derivative morphemes comprised within this subsystem are the reflexive

-ku, the benefactive -pu, the assistive -ysi, the causative -chi and some combinations of suffixes such as -ykUpU, -naku and -naya, among others. The aim of this study is to prove that this diath esical subsystem works roughly like a functional concordance that involves actants expressed with diathesical derivative suffixes and those with inflectional suffixes of person. In order to show this derivative-inflectional diathesic interaction, the suffix -ku is analized.


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Academic articles

How to Cite

Meneses Tutaya, N. (2020). Approach to the Study of Diathesis in Quechua: the Case of the Verbal Suffix -ku. Lengua Y Sociedad, 19(1), 131-148.