Focus and scope

Quipukamayoc, founded in 1993, is an open access research journal, edited by the Financial and Accounting Sciences Research Institute of the Accounting Sciences Faculty of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Its main purpose is to contribute to accounting, economic, financial and business knowledge, thus contributing to the understanding and solution of society's problems in a cultural and social context. It publishes original articles in Spanish, English or Portuguese, refereed by external peer reviewers under the double-blind modality.

Quipukamayoc receives unpublished articles from national and foreign researchers within the following lines of research: Accounting, Economy and Finance.

From this perspective, Quipukamayoc constitutes a channel of communication of scientific academic research that allows the visibility of the results, thus, it seeks that readers find in its contents an important source of consultation and reference in their academic work, which may contribute to the study and debate of the topics that our collaborators share in each publication.