The gnoseological limits of an economic epistemology bound in the budget of the perfect information




Foreign debt, credit reputation, information and opportunity cost.


Objective: The present work provides to contrast the gnoseological effectiveness of two paradigms devoted to the study of the causes of the determination of the sovereign payment cessation by a State: those that ascribe to a voluntarist thesis of a political nature and those that understand that such a process is due to deficiencies in the provision of information. Methods: Consequently, the postulates of various schools of political economy were appealed, with special emphasis on the analysis of the causal assumptions that explain the process of sovereign default. Results: According to the conclusions of this work, the models bound in a deterministic schematism in macroeconomic matters dependent only on the availability of sufficient information for the purposes of forecasting, accounting for and interpreting the causation of a sovereign default are epistemic and heuristically deficient. Conclusions: Since both paradigms are incommensurable, it becomes reasonable and necessary the collaboration of new theoretical contributions in the matter.


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Author Biography

  • Julio Francisco Villarreal, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Derecho, Instituto de Investigaciones Ambrosio L. Gioja
    Lawyer (University of Buenos Aires). Master in International Relations and Diplomacy (College of Europe, AECID scholarship). Master in International Relations (University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law). PhD student in Sociology of Law (University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law). Researcher Attached to the Ambrosio Gioja Institute of the Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires. Researcher in training Rent of Exclusive Dedication by public contest of opposition and antecedents UBACYT of the University of Buenos Aires. Teacher of the subject "Legal Sociology" (Chair Fucito-Gerlero) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires by public contest of opposition and background.          





Original papers

How to Cite

Villarreal, J. F. (2018). The gnoseological limits of an economic epistemology bound in the budget of the perfect information. Quipukamayoc, 26(52), 87-93.