Stigma or reality: Efficiency of public companies? Analysis of peruvian and mexican cases




Management, public resource, efficiency, stigma, company


In the last two decades, has been implemented in Latin America results based management for public entities, searching to increase efficiency. The research has as purpose to identify for Peru and Mexico, the results of the direct impact in the efficiency of the application of public resources, seen from a direct increase in the goods and services offered to the citizens. Services as a direct procedures in government agencies, among others; goods, rights or subsidies, granted directly to the citizens: lighting, support programs for groups with extreme poverty, roads, among others. It will focus on myths and realities, political interests, and the presentation of a series of measures that could lead to the optimization of public companies; every time that, in other continents, it exist a direct benefit to the society by had efficient public companies. Even in Latin America, have been exist and exist companies that deny the popular saying for its profitability, understood as a direct benefit to the society; either through public revenues that are destinated to direct public goods and services in the cities, or by their quality and efficiency in the atention and tracing of the procedures entered by citizens. Perhaps the inefficiency of public entities does not establish a reality, but a fallacy built by entities interested in turnnig an incontrastable truth.


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Author Biographies

  • Luz María Farías Ruelas, Universidad de Guadalajara

    Mexican, Accountant, Master in Finance and Postulant to PhD in Fiscal Studies from the University of Guadalajara, Bachelor of Laws from the University of Valle de México, MBA from the University of Phoenix, independent professional since 2000, professor at the Enrique University Díaz de León since 2004, Public Official in the Government of the State of Jalisco since February 2017, holding the position of Director of Administration and Coordination in the Office of the Urban Development Procurator.

  • Cleofé Maritza Verástegui Corrales, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú
    PhD in Fiscal Policy and Tax System from the National University of San Marcos. MBA from the Universidad del Pacífico. Public Accountant for the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University. He is currently a professor at the Faculty of Accounting Sciences of the National University of San Marcos. Research Topics: Finance, Banking, Strategic Management, Public Policies.
  • Emilio Gustavo Bobbio Rosas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Perú

    Military Engineer, Master in National Reality, Doctorate in Public Policies, mention in Sustainable Development, both recognized in the NRA postgraduate of Didactics and Administration in the RFA, Hamburg, postgraduate in bridges MTU 20 in the USSR, currently studying the Doctorate in Environmental Sciences in the UNMSM, docentte of the UNMSM, sporadically in ESAN, Norbert Wiener University and in postgraduate courses in universities in the interior of the country. 





Review Articles

How to Cite

Farías Ruelas, L. M., Verástegui Corrales, C. M., & Bobbio Rosas, E. G. (2019). Stigma or reality: Efficiency of public companies? Analysis of peruvian and mexican cases. Quipukamayoc, 27(54), 97-104.