Influence of shared tasks in the quality of communication between executives and subordinates in private companies




Organizational communication, hubris syndrome, manager out of touch


Objective: The objective is to determine the relationship between the shared tasks between the boss and the subordinates and the quality of communication in private companies. Method: The research was quantitative, non-experimental and correlational; the population taken into account were people belonging to the economically active employed population of the city of Trujillo in the year 2020. The sample was made up of 384 citizens of Trujillo, who belonged to the economically active employed population in the year 2020. Results: 43.0% of the surveyed workers present a high level of perception regarding the communication quality, and 62% estimate the common activities at a high level. Conclusion: The relationship between the shared tasks between the boss and the subordinates and the quality of communication was highly significative. A Spearman coefficient of (r = 0.619) at the level of p<0.01 was obtained; thus, it can be said that the higher the quality of communication, the better the development of common activities.


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Author Biographies

  • Omar Fabricio Maguiña Rivero, Universidad Privada del Norte. Trujillo, Peru

    Born in the city of Trujillo, Peru in 1966. Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from the National University of Trujillo in Peru (First place in order of merit). He has worked as an administrator in the areas of credit, finance, marketing and general management in national and international companies such as Grupo Aranda, Consejo Transitorio de la Región La Libertad, Lima Gas S.A. Safeway (USA) among others.
    He has lived in the United States from 2003 to 2011 where he obtained a Professional Certification from Stanford University, California - USA, in Strategic Decisions and Risk Management and also a Professional Certification from the University of Berkeley, California - USA in Marketing with sequence in Marketing Metrics (graduated with distinction).
    He has been a university professor since 2012 and currently serves as Director of the Business and Administration Career at Universidad del Norte - Trujillo.


  • Ena Cecilia Obando Peralta, Universidad Privada del Norte. Trujillo, Peru

    Economist, Lawyer and conciliator. Doctor in Education. Completed studies in the Doctorate in Law. Doctorate in Administration Master in Education, with mention in Didactics of Higher Education. Master's Degree in Law with mention in Business Civil Law. Master in Administration with mention in Human Resources. Master of Education with a major in Educational Management and Accreditation. Master of Education with mention in Scientific Research. Completed studies in the Master's Degree in Education with mention in Virtual Teaching. Completed studies in Educational Computing and Information Technology. Master of E Business Teaching at undergraduate and graduate level in various universities in Peru.


  • Graciela Esther Reyes Pastor, Universidad Privada del Norte. Trujillo, Peru

    Statistical Engineer from the National University of Trujillo. Doctoral candidate in Education, Master in Research and University Teaching and Master in Communication Sciences with mention in Commercial Management and Marketing Communication. Graduated from the Master's Degree in Education with mention in Accreditation and Educational Management and from the Master's Degree in Educational Informatics and Information Technologies. With an Advanced Business Management Program in Marketing at ESAN University. Teaching experience in research courses such as Thesis Project, Thesis, Statistics Applied to Research, Statistics Applied to Business, among others. Professional experience as head of marketing in educational institutions and in coordination of accreditation of study programs at university level, achieving recognition for the achievements obtained.





Original papers

How to Cite

Maguiña Rivero, O. F., Obando Peralta, E. C., & Reyes Pastor, G. E. (2021). Influence of shared tasks in the quality of communication between executives and subordinates in private companies. Quipukamayoc, 29(59), 63-67.