Company’s size and the access to credit through the financial system in Peru




access, use, indebtedness, company, workers


Objective: To determine if the size of the company, measured by its number of workers, explains the access to credit through companies in the financial system in Peru. Method: A Logit model was used to estimate the probability of access to credit for companies in the financial system. Results: The number of workers in a company has a positive and statistically significant effect on the access to credit in the financial system. Additionally, characteristics such as the geographical location, gender, and years of education of the company's boss, have an impact on this event. Conclusion: Companies with fewer workers have a lower probability of accessing credit through companies in the financial system.


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Author Biographies

  • Johanna Yancari Cueva, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos. Lima, Peru

    Economist from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, with studies in Project Management. Active member of the Group for the Rural Development of the Roundtable for the Fight against Poverty (MCLCP in Spanish). Active member of the Permanent Seminar of Agriculture Research (SEPIA in Spanish). Associate Researcher and member of the Board of Directors in the Peruvian Studies Institute (IEP in Spanish). Active member of the Access Collective, a private group to develop the financial inclusion among the Peruvian population.
    Her main interest topics are: Economic Development, Poverty, Public Economics and Financial Inclusion.

  • Álvaro Mamani Cárdenas, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas. Lima, Peru

    Degree in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú with interest in public policy, financial inclusion, digital transformation and economic and social development. He has worked in various work spaces such as the Institute of Peruvian Studies, the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance and AFP, the Ministry of Education, Financiera Confianza and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Likewise, he has gained solid statistical knowledge and experience in database management of different types of surveys, censuses and reports related to the economy and the financial system. As a result, she is skilled in the analysis of socioeconomic and demographic indicators, as well as commercial, financial and credit risk indicators. She is currently working as a Financial System and Capital Markets Analyst at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, carrying out activities related to government financial programs and the National Financial Inclusion Policy.

  • Laleska Salgado Llanos, Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas. Lima, Peru

    Degree in Political Science and Government from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Assistant in financial inclusion at the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Collaborator of the Observatory of Women and Diversities of the Center for International Policy Research of the University of Buenos Aires.





Original papers

How to Cite

Yancari Cueva, J., Mamani Cárdenas, Álvaro, & Salgado Llanos, L. (2022). Company’s size and the access to credit through the financial system in Peru. Quipukamayoc, 30(62), 9-21.